I miss seeing this panel all the time. We really should use it more often.
I miss seeing this panel all the time. We really should use it more often.
I miss seeing this panel all the time. We really should use it more often.
Somewhere after the first whiskey double I become a competent sniper. This does not seem to necessarily be a cumulative thing...
Stolen. Will use when I stop cackling.
All the other gods of our legends. For gods they were.
Also Jane Fonda was there.
In other words, “this is why we can’t have nice commenters.”
Went to the comments for Stewart Lee, was not disappointed.
Maybe not, but he’s the pope I need right now. I’m gonna go heat some shortening and bacon fat up for him in a censer.
And I prayed for death before another squat.
And America loves those for some reason, so why not?
FWIW, IMHO, my mind did make it make sense for a split second there.
Ohhhh, ROY Moore. I read that wrong, my bad.
Cute gun.
It’s nice to have company down here.
Yup. I’m finally gonna hafta break down and buy it.
It’s alright, Jimmy, we love and support your choices here at Alcoholic Bards Anonymous.
Well now I need to find my copy of Ultramega OK, see if Nazi Driver and 665-667 make more sense.
Freezer-burnt, but the kids’ll still eat it.
Good deal. I need to go scam up another controller for some couch play to justify it though.
Ugh, minding one nearly sent me off of the deep end. I salute you, Saffron.
Eh, I liked XII. XIII had me choking kittens, though, so I get your point.