
50-0 and a huge payday way more risk free than against anyone else. Best reward for the smallest risk effictively

He’s going to make intergenerational wealth and not have to fight mma anymore. Seems a good deal

Yea this seems like a real, 40-yr-old-virgin-“bags of sand” type moment for the author

Katharine, in the same way I as a man don’t pretend know more about your own labia and vagina than you do, don’t pretend you know how men can hold their genitals in one hand. It’s kind of a skill you gain when you have a penis.

I guess to understand it you’d have to look at what happens with Democrats actually in power vs. their stated platform.

The officer is 5'6 or 5'8 (hard to tell from blurry police report photo) and 145lbs. I would say that qualifies as “towering over”.

I’m of a similar height and have met many male cops that could plausibly say I “towered over them”--say, 5'8" or less? Of course, I’ve also never threatened one, so it hasn’t really come up.

So because LeBron James is an otherworldly talent on the court and has been deemed worth of $30 million a year (which would be higher if there were no max salary limit), the guy hawking Miller Lite in Quicken Loans Arena ought to get $1 million a year? Why should Jeff Bezos have his earnings limited because he heads

I pay $2,000 a month for a 3,000 sq ft house. That I own. On a bunch of land, with trees and deer and shit. AND I don’t have to live in NY.

I cannot believe I had to scroll this long for someone to call him out on his beer bullshit. Yes pretentious hipsters are annoying but craft beer gave us choice. Also, there is never a reason to drink budweiser. It is shit that causes shits. Other shitty beer? Absolutely.

BEER. That’s right! FIGHT ME, BRO.

Jezebel spent a lot of time telling people, especially Bernie bros, to fuck off. They did fuck off, and this is the end result.

You guys sound like the crazy people on fox news after Obama won.

Yeah, she’s a cunt. She’s a god damn two-faced liar who couldn’t give less of a shit than anyone except the people who pay her. She put Debbie Wasserman Shultz at a special seat of her campaign mere hours after she resigned from the DNC, she chose Tim Kaine over, well, anyone else, for VP. She basically told the

hehehe... civil service. These people are funny. The only people The Hildabeast served is The Hildabeast, her family, and her close circle of personal friends. And she got us to pay for it all.

Somehow, they left “not clinton” off my ballot. I had my choice of Libertarian, Unitarian, Green, Peace, Marijuana, Rainbow and who knows what the fuck else. Again, if you only had two choices, you really weren’t paying attention.

So, the same nation that elected Obama a mere eight years ago is now all of a sudden a bunch of assholes? Nah, your candidate was just shitty enough to lose to a reality TV blowhard (pending a late miracle!). This says much, MUCH more about Clinton than it does about Trump, or this country.

If you only had two choices, you weren’t paying attention.

It is hilarious that you Hillbots refuse to believe that she could be blamed for anything. Sorry you guys rammed through one of the most unlikeable candidates in American history.

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever