Ferris Field

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

My car cannot be better than my clients

If you stay below freezing, that’s cool
The problem is when it goes above freezing during the day, and below at night.
Now all that good walking snow is a sheet of ice.

(Personally, I think he’s terrific. I just couldn’t pass up the chance to make this dumb joke.)

I daresay very select few areas :/

Keep in mind that just because your collection company accepts something doesn’t mean they actually recycle it. Single-stream recycling it sorted, and they have to pick out the non-recyclables that people inevitably throw in their anyway, so they also can and will pick out the items that are not cost-effective to

Honestly, both of them were unbearable the entire game. I’ll put this with a disclaimer in that I’m one of the few people that doesn’t mind Buck and Aikman, however midway through the first quarter I was willing to donate to a GoFundMe to get Buck and Aikman on a plane and takeover at the start of the second quarter.

Fox needs to really get its shit together if that chucklefuck is on their B announcing team. 

2 of those 4 are wrong. 

Want to love it. Don’t love it. 

I was about to suggest the Lotus Elise but you guys already did, so good job :)

Yeah but if he REALLY came from Minnesota, he would be wearing shorts and a jacket.

I love that people can’t be bothered to walk another 100 feet, not caring that they are blocking someone who literally can’t do that. 

Wow, I expected better from you, [reads Kinja name]... Trolland Dump

If I were rich I still wouldn’t pay for cbs all access. Wait, you mean it's like Netflix but just for cbs? Fuck that entire thought process, concept and idea. 

If this whole, stupid affair has taught me anything, it’s the white people have officially assimilated the phrase “clap back”, and it’s now dead. Also, the only football song that isn’t shit is MNF instrumental. 

Yeah, this has 5150 written all over it.

Can people please stop with the idea that interns at billion dollar corporations aren’t actually highly qualified entry level employees that the corporation would just rather not pay a fair wage?

She needs a psych hold.  That woman needs serious, serious help.

My first thought. I assumed the kid was black with a natural hairstyle that this person disapproved of. If that’s not the case, maybe this is actual mental health issues, because that shit is bizarre.