Ferris Field

At some point employers at certain industries started expecting to be tipped BEFORE they provide any service to customers. From my understanding, tipping came from the generosity of a customer to thank an employee of their great service, often because they went above and beyond. But now, the expectation is that

Or – and hear me out – making your bed is NOT important. Don’t make your bed.

If you have one of several other acceptable forms of ID, you don’t need to get a real ID until it’s the only choice for your DL.

Here’s the list:

I don’t know, trying to dunk on people in Lifehacker’s comments probably ranks pretty high up there on the uninteresting dork scale too...

I write a lot for work and use it religiously. There are no good reasons to not use it and plenty of good reasons to use it. It’s also probably the second-most common change I make when editing something someone else has written, but fortunately, I’m responsible for maintaining our internal style guide, so I included

liked a comment

I find it amusing that you didn’t even address the biggest problem with this. You are obviously an iPhone user. And iPhone users are completely ignorant to how these ‘tapbacks’ are received by Android users. Sam liked “blah blah blah super long annoying message sent right back to me, etc. etc.” And of course, iPhone

Mmmmmmm, as a biracial lady, I think maybe you can express that last sentence a bit clearer....

we can leave our windows (and sometimes our doors) cracked all summer long. The downside? Flies buzzing around. All day, every day.

I think your defensiveness speaks to the fact that you’re not able to discuss this without emotion. Nobody said “dogs have no real emotions”. The article simply said, “less emotionally complex than you think”. It’s also your opinion that we would not risk our lives for something that had “no real emotions” - this

If these emotions aren’t enough to convince some lab coat

Switching careers is easier when you’re in your 20's and have no kids or haven’t built 40+ years of life around one career. Also, I don’t think people understand how prejudiced the workforce is - unless you’re 59. Employers will definitely take the 21 year old at reduced “entry” wages” to save money; especially in

THE coronavirus, this one, has not in fact been around for centuries.

I train baristas for a group of specialty coffee shops, and I can’t believe how wrong most of this info is. Honestly, I’m embarassed for lifehacker that this is published.

And another potentially good article ruined by the slideshow.

I interpreted that as “West Bumfuck, Virginia”.

No. Data is DATA.

And this data says that just as many people are going to get sick and die today, tomorrow, and forever, if things don’t improve in many places in this country.

To the average person, N95 masks are overkill. You and I don’t need them to go food shopping. Your etsy cloth mask is fine. Telling people they don’t need N95 masks keeps your average dolt from buying a thousand and letting them gather dust in the basement after they realize it’s hard to breathe in them. Changing his

he just wanted any available masks to be saved for health care workers.

$100k and Toyota sourced V6 is automatic CP.