Frozen Soviet Sex Lizard from Space

I recommend that any person who does analysis or predictions in the media (politics, sports, Hollywood rumors, whatever) should have a permanent tally of what they got right or wrong. This should be displayed by their name any time they make an appearance or are referenced. Once they fall below 50%, they are labeled

I bet it could fuck up a rhino.

Those Mormon angels can't play for shit.

Gillette would have thought the Patriots would have tried a little harder to cover up the evidence.

Baptist... the batches range from quite good (most of them) to really tasty (most recently #40) to OMFGWTFBBQ (#8, #12, #35) which just are off the charts in terms of perfection. And to be honest, I love the fact that it's a concept beer rather than a set in stone recipe which never changes.

Tough break for the Lions, losing Suh for the entirety of the playoffs.

True, but they did lead to us all having 5-10 of those glass, Garfield mugs in our cabinet for years to come.

God, what is wrong with you?

For future use...

Is Elmo still eligible for the final four list? Or was that last year's final four?

I will definitely agree with you on this one.

He also has the most adorable domestic violence charges against him.

I get why the other stuff was excluded, it isn't relevant. But why were the texts thrown out?

I'll offer a third option: He's a owner's puppet AND he's stupid

I'd like to be the first to congratulate Peter King on his new gig at the WSJ!

Fuck whining about price. You can get a bottle of one of the best beers on the planet for the price of a shitty glass of restaurant wine. Ten dollars is a goddamn bargain, and now you have me swearing about food like I'm that asshole Burneko.

This take is so absurd it strains credulity.

I refuse to take anyone seriously that uses the Kubrick Stare pose for personal photos.

TJU got totally shafted also.