Jesus these are some bad takes.
Jesus these are some bad takes.
^^^ This comment
Should this be legit and Nintendo pulls through with this, this would be BANANAS. Especially if they both have ~better~ battery life than the OG Switch. The Super Switch (my patented name for the beefed up one), needs to have the same if not better battery life and the Mini Switch, let’s call it, needs to have much…
Nintendo has made a lot of mistakes but this is so true. Their integrity and respect for the video game industry is unparalleled.
Why is Dumbledore an “inauthentically gay” character? Did Rowling need to explicitly state his homosexuality in the book? Are straight people not allowed to write gay characters, subtle or not? Also, when did she ever tell LGBTQ people how to feel about it? I’m not sure what I would label myself but I know it isn’t…
Right so Rowling didn’t just “slap a label on Dumbledore after publication.” David Yates was going to make a scene in HBP where Dumbledore recounts an old crush to a girl to Harry and JKR was like “uhh yeah you cant do that exactly.”
“Patil and Chang’s affections are portrayed as either over-emotional and draining or superficial and flighty. None of these characters get the growth or empathy that Rowling’s main trio do.”
I guessing you’re the type of fanboy of post apocalyptic worlds that complains about realism but doesn’t say anything about women in those worlds shaving their arm pits.
Yeah it seems like the few negative reviews I’ve seen for this game are from people that super fucking dislike David Cage in general.Which agree with wholeheartedly but not to the point where it colors your perception about the game.
Ahhh, I love the smell of butthurt xbone fanboys in the morning.
ty stephen. ily
Soooo although the whole “Mercy fucked Torbjorn” thing is initially silly and whatever, some simple 2 minute research will show that Mercy is canonically 37 years old while Brigitte is 23... Which would have Mercy 14 when-... Just please stop with that joke everyone.
Vectrex didn’t incorporate an analog stick into revolutionary 3D video games my dude.
I’ll take a flop (in the N64) if it produces the best and most beloved games in video game history over a strong competitor that has an oversatuation of video games any day.
I kind of stumbled upon this article through NSFW Kotaku articles... Guilty. And at first I was deeply disturbed and “profoundly unsettled” as you put it but the more I read the more fascinated I became and the more I learned about this kind of culture.
ty so much for specifically referencing that Simpsons episode several times. It made a great story even better <3
Chill out everyone calling him an asshole. Dr. Disrespect is actually a really nice guy that’s helped a lot of people deal with some shitty issues while providing great content. He made a mistake as everyone does and clearly he’s genuinely remorseful about it. I’ve cheated and been cheated on too and yeah it’s shitty…
I was surprised and disappointed Ashly Burch didn’t win for Aloy. She won at the Golden Joysticks tho! Twice!!