I looked through the pics and was surprised and grateful to not see my cousin in there, so...
I looked through the pics and was surprised and grateful to not see my cousin in there, so...
I kind of like how the twins are also orange. It’s like there’s a theme.
my entire response to every single one of these pictures: “what.”
The message is horrible but what's really killing me is that apostrophe.
They also supported the Arab Film Festival, here, when few institutions would! Seeing their name on the list of supporters made me super-proud they were and are my bank. Now, even more.
“You mean tonight, boo boo? Club-wise?”
i was helping my friend move in to his off-campus house, and we went shopping and he came up to me all cute and embarassed and said “i want to get lady products to keep in the house in case someone needs them, can you help me?” and i was so happy and it was so amazing and all men should be like josh.
On one hand, why would I ever ask a man for a tampon in the first place? And on the other, that’s cool, let him pay for them (and the accompanying merchandise tax). I guess?
Yes he fucking is.
Sanders really is showing to be a huge fucking asshole isn’t he? Typical white guy is what I say. Stomping his feet when he doesn’t get his way.
Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.
She didn’t let him abuse her. She reported his misconduct and got him fired. Although I am impressed with the way you dealt with your stalker, those tactics do not work in every case. Some jerks just escalate right back. Some (like the guy in the article) become murderers. There’s no one absolutely effective way to…
Not only is it believable, Republicans think this is normal. This is the way things were supposed to happen. His right to have a gun to kill her with is more important than her right to life.