
Her family name is the bane of their existence, but if the republicans had to choose one set of policies from the two, it would be Hillary without a doubt.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

Then I guess we’re in a fight, because she’s MY imaginary best friend.

Then I guess we’re in a fight, because she’s MY imaginary best friend.

I love Maddow and she’s on point nearly 100% of the time (and has been tough but fair with both candidates),

I know someone from college who’s working for the O’Malley campaign and every time he posts something about why he thinks O’Malley is the best candidate, as if he still has a chance, I’m just like, “Awww, honey...”

What would be nice is if everyone stopped hate-watching the Repugnant debates and started watching these instead.

No, they want women to vote, you just need to listen harder when they are telling you who to vote for.

I think you missed the point of this article. Clearly, most Bernie supporters are aware of this and are trying to rein in the douchebags.

Seriously, Berniebros, I don’t need politics mansplained to me. And I already have to fend off verbal tirades from my conservative family members, so knock it off.

I’ve had my share of encounters with Berniebros as one who supports HRC. But I have to say, it’s great to see the Sanders campaign step up and address this issue head on rather than goading them as pretty much every GOP campaign does. Whatever policy disagreements the Democratic candidates have, our supporters are

A man who probably likes fingers in his butt felt the need to tell millions of strangers that he doesn’t like fingers in his butt!! Yes, it’s officially comedy now.

I think it’s a play, to a point. She knows it endears her to a certain group of people, and she’s willing to go with it.

I’ll tell you what, I feel for my black fellow citizens ALL the time. This is disgusting, justice is not a zero-sum game.

*Mic drop*

I am a children’s librarian and I am just flummoxed by this book and how it came to be. Vanessa Brantley-Newton is a talented Black children’s illustrator, and she illustrates books that positively represent people of color. I’m not too familiar with Ramin Ganeshram although we do have a few of her books in our

Huh. Well, I guess I’m going to have to scrap my idea (set during slavery) for a (title rhyming) sequel of my very popular children’s story “The little digger”.


Kate Winslet is insufferable and Titanic was a shitty movie and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.