
Maybe I’m just projecting but the combination of drugs, “kiss mom,” and a loaded gun screams of suicidal thoughts (I used to be a suicidal drunk meself, so I’m either projecting or know what I’m talking about, depending on how you look at it). Anyway, it just makes me sad. Glad they didn’t hurt anyone or themselves

This makes me unreasonably happy.

No. Not it could not have. Goddamn poetry.

Whoever posted these pictures and tagged the DA is an American hero

Because the Bush family and the Saudi royal family were tight, so he had to pick a different oil rich country to fuck with.


How do I love this? Let me count the ways.


Finally, someone is talking sense around here!

Read a fucking newspaper and find something real to be angry about!

Obviously this is la me in a variety of ways but can we talk about why the fuck an 11 year old has been involved in cheerleading since she was FOUR YEARS OLD?! is that a Texas thing?

I just love this “It’s a strange thing to stop at a certain size. Women don’t, so why should clothes?”

this basically makes you famous

I would pay GOOD MONEY for those

I have bootleg DVDs of the whole series. And I am not ashamed.

Yessssssss my cousin and I used to sing the theme song! It’s catchy as FUCK

I still have them all and I will never get rid of them

Nah, she wanted to bone that Scott guy, the one who dated a very young Jessica Alba in a couple episodes.

Lance Bass as the head of an Ohio drug cartel?