i didn't notice until now but now it's all i can think about. and i feel the need to furiously gulp water.
i didn't notice until now but now it's all i can think about. and i feel the need to furiously gulp water.
I disagree with the "Oh Dear" part of this headline. This seems long overdue and (hopefully) a good thing.
oh my god yes! i can't tell you how many times i have had this thought!
barf diarrhea barf barf
that really should be "Better tip: don't fuck anyone who makes you feel like you need permanent mascara!"
That Kris Jenner gif is a truly wonderful thing to wake up to.
Can't they just call it like it is and say "Pairs Beautifully With Bong Rips," or "Perfect For Munchies"?
blerg. it was a typo. *some roasted veggies. i'm not hip enough for these computer machines. i'll be in the corner, eating week old quinoa by myself.
you can't find her because i ate her for dinner last night (with rome roasted veggies). delish.
WAIT, CRACKLIN OAT BRAN IS STILL AROUND?! god, that was my favorite f'ing cereal. basically, you've just given me back my childhood.
Best image (not involving puppies) ever.
honestly, my dog is kind of a cute pooper, as much as one can be...
yeah, i see what they are trying to do, but the whole self-involved, whitewashed, privileged, neurotic thing just ain't for me. and, as a person, dunham has said some things that drive me absolutely batshit.
yeah, that's exactly what i said. there's really no point in clarifying my position for you because you are obviously going to read it however you want to, regardless of what i say.
I am one of the people who thinks that Richmond and Mays should have been tried as adults. Having worked in a Juvenile Detention Center, though, I can say that JDC's are far from pleasant. I appreciate the link to Ross book and would also suggest Susan Lankford's "Born Not Raised" for anyone interested in the juvenile…
YEP. also (and i haven't seen much of the show, but i do read the goddamn recaps because they are EVERYWHERE) why does no one ever have good sex on that show? are we really heralding this show as feminist when it depicts sex is as devoid of pleasure, girls being passive and resigned about the unacceptable ways they…
Right? at least my dog enjoys crapping, napping, running, playing or whatever she's doing instead of wandering around, being miserable and obnoxious while whining about how DIFFICULT life is. she's just like: i'm gonna roll in some grass now and it's going to be awesome. no wonder i would rather spend my time with her.
I would literally rather watch my dog take a shit than watch 10 seconds of Girls. so, there's that. hate on me if you must.