thanks for responding. i can keep most things under control with diet, too, but i'm looking into upping b vitamin supplements and electrolytes to help with the energy part (thyroid is ok). thanks!
thanks for responding. i can keep most things under control with diet, too, but i'm looking into upping b vitamin supplements and electrolytes to help with the energy part (thyroid is ok). thanks!
wait, i know this isn't exactly on point, but can we talk about your sister having her gall bladder removed for a minute. i had mine taken out when i had my colon surgery and i am wondering if she has to be on any drugs or if she just handles everything through diet. i have a wicked strict diet but also kinda low…
Emily Heller is the shit. That is all.
There really is nothing like a good happy dog afternoon.
It's possible, but I'm going to keep hoping (not because she's Lilo, but because she's obviously an addict in need of help). I have seen people come back from worse, though it's not easy.
so, i got dumped last night. i'm pretty sure i am going to spend most of the day watching and re-watching this. who needs a SO when you have soapy puppies?
So this is just my experience (and it might get a little gross) but here we go! My GI doc (totally not naturopathic, works out of a hospital, all that jazz) told me to stay away from all of the above because of inflammation. I have a bunch of scar tissue in my colon from having colon surgery and if my intestines get…
Yesterday someone I know (and who knows about my medical condition and the diet restrictions that I have as a result) told me to "eat a burger or something". I get this all the time—I even had a stranger at work walk up to me and point-blank ask if i was anorexic. Unless you know someone REALLY well and are genuinely…
also, i heard you can't get pregnant if it's know, "legitimate" rape.
oh, high ricky. are you high, ricky? why else would you say such a crazy thing?
i am a feminist and i do think someone can shoot whipped cream out of her vag and advance the cause. but i would like to caution that person that, while they might advance the cause, they will likely also end up with a nasty UTI and those fuckers are extremely unpleasant. (unless of course, you are sarah palin. the…
i am so glad that he looks like a child (and a weird twilight fanboy child at that). i'm ok with feeling old but i really didn't want to feel pervy.
i would love to see some of the studies you are referring to. (i'm not saying that in a snarky "put up or shut up way, i would really like to learn more about this issue). that said, it seems like pimps attract sex workers because they (claim to, even if they don't) offer a degree of protection. if the law was…
thanks for providing a link. i would like to read more about all sides of the issue. i'm wonder if, even though legalization hasn't worked in Australia, if that means that it can't work, work elsewhere. i don't know a ton about this, so i am not being argumentative—i'm honestly wondering.
Right?! The only time I ever laughed at that show was when Elaine danced. I just love me some limb flailing dance moovz.
I think you mean "it's".
True, I don't know for sure that legalizing sex work would have prevented this specific incident from happening, if it's legalized there are a number of protections that can be put in place. not only could the police be called without fear of prosecution but the way in which sex workers meet their clients could be a…
Can we please just fucking legalize sex work already so we can keep these women (and all sex workers) safe?