
Believe it or not, unlike the US, we are not a racist country.

I’m sorry but Britain is a pretty racist country and people are fairly brazen about it.


 making excuses for assholes makes you an asshole 

Jesus Christ, your violent nihilism and edginess is sucking the air out of the room.

What, are you 12?

Car enthusiasts make a small fraction of people that use public roads and are not entitled to put everyone else that uses public roads at risk, not to mention break numerous laws, just to get their thrills.

lEfT wINg sKinNy jEAns!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are both sedans, sure. 

You drive more than 200 mi per day?  jesus do realize that the 0-60 time is irrelevant right? Are you going to sit at the stoplight forever, entering “ludicrous mode” (eyeroll) and wait for the battery to “condition” itself while everyone behind you honks just so you can go 0-60 in 2.2s or whatever?

Lmao you’ve really built up an elaborate fantasy justification for clear failures within Tesla

Nothing is comparable about the NSX and cybertruck though. The NSX could have been delayed for as long as Honda felt was needed - it is a niche halo vehicle with incredibly low production numbers aimed at the kind of people who buy $200k+ exotic sports cars. The LFA is the same way - they scrapped it after finishing

That’s the thing though: This isn’t limping along. Nostalgia brain has ruined so many people here, thinking regular ass Integra of the past was some bastion of high quality motoring. Acura made meaningful upgrades to the car to make it the Integra, and it represents a whole lot of things not available on the Civic. If

Integra was not just a coupe, though. It was available as a sedan and 5-door hatch as well as the 3-door. It was intended to be an entry-level, compact luxury car; not a sports car. It was launched along with the rest of the Acura lineup, to represent Honda’s interpretation of a luxury brand. It was, by design, a

Did Honda kill your family or something?

You know most Integras weren’t Type Rs, right? 

People here bitch about cars not having real names, so Acura went back to Integra for the entry model instead of ILX and... it’s wrong? I think your nostalgia brain is making everyone crazy. Plus it’s just a name, car names don’t have some magical meaning or whatever. Who cares.

lol this is such a bad take.

I think people don’t realize what new cars cost and require, and also most original Integras weren’t Type Rs.