
If you want the GR86, it’s a great choice. It’s also an entirely different car, for a different audience. It may fit your needs, or my needs, better than the Integra -- but that means we aren’t the target buyer. For someone who needs a usable back seat, the Teggy will be a much better buy than the hachi 

So you are saying that when invoking “nostalgia” it has to be for a fantasy that didn’t exist? No wonder you are going to be disappointed.

I think it is better, but it’s better at what it wants to be: An all-purpose sport luxury sedan. The Si is more performance-oriented, but less omnicapable. Two different cars for two different kinds of buyers

Whatever inevitable Type S/R comes out will be more your flavor if that’s the case. The people who were actually around in the 90s will remember that most integras were non-VTEC LS sedans with a 4-speed auto. The GSR was pretty rare, and the ITR was basically nonexistent in the wild since they made so few of them and

but it can super quiet when you need to use the phone or want to hear the radio (or not draw attention from the cops).”

That’s true of work in the office, too, though. Some people suck and will slack off or sleep on the shitter. But rather than get rid of people that suck, employers seem to want to mandate everyone instead. Sure, open the office. Make it OPTIONAL though, or even offer extra perks for people who go to the office. Free

Old fashioned way of thinking.  If someone is productive what does it matter where they are? If their productiviy dives when they’re remote it’s very obvious. 

When its required to in order to sell cars?



Silver is the worst color in general, and especially on cars like this, but you won’t find many sub $25K Prowlers. Especially later ones. Easy NP.

How is driving the car abusing it? Isn’t that what the car is designed for? Yes, that’s a lot of mileage in a short amount of time, but how is that abuse?

Don’t forget movie theaters, grade schools, high schools, colleges, roadways, offices, concerts, festivals, houses....Or just America on a daily basis. 

Good thing no one ever gets shot in their cars. Or blown up. Or dies by any other means associated with driving.

I don’t doubt the GR might be good but no one tried it yet...

I’m not tired of reading about these losers. It’s comic relief. You seem triggered somehow.

Is the act of reading so difficult for you that you feel the need to whine about your wasted efforts?

If the only news important to you is the war and Putin, why are you on Jalopnik reading articles?

Wow.  Who shit in your Cheerios this morning?

probably because they did a whole superiority dance years ago saying they were too good to ever make an suv to appeal to normies.