Fronzel Neekburm

If James Bond broke my nose I’d ask him to sign it.


Or just like, shave the beard, dude. No one is looking at him that closely unless he’s got food or something like that. Even then.

Aquaman: King of Atlantis looks like the stupidest thing ever, and I’m here for it. I mostly love these goofy versions. 

YES! I hadn’t even thought of the Indian actor part but YES! 

No, i totally get it. They’re just different and the great thing about Star Trek is that there’s a lot of stuff to choose from. I agree with your assessment that Lower Decks is some of the most Star Trek stuff on television today! (Same with Orville.)

I don’t hate the the Chibnall era. Frankly, once it got past the “we don’t want it to be Doctor Who but we kind of do” phase, it had a lot of great almost ideas. I also like Jodi Whittaker.

Unpopular opinion: it’s not as bad as its reputation. It’s not great, but Bob Hoskins as “What the hell is going on” version of Mario is the delightful  version we need, especially paired with “let’s do this” Luigi. 

I agree with this assessment, but I think I like Picard and Discovery a bit more than you. I think it’s a bit rough to start, but it’s morphed into a really solid science fiction show. I teared up a little when Isaac chose the crew over his own people. 

They have to learn sometime. 


Not catastrophically so much as “made a servant to the outrage machine.” He’s a fine writer but it seems like every story lately has to have an outrage slant.

Or is the film critiquing the way we all glom onto strangers’ tragedies in order to make ourselves feel like we’re part of something?

There were like, 20 movies announced in the past week that weren’t written by JK Rowling. You do know you can cover those, and not anyone you don’t want to boost?

I can’t help but notice that there’s now a puzzling trend of female leads from the MCU not showing up on What If…?

I’m on the fence until I hear from the characters on the Big Bang Theory.

I mean... this was the website that printed a pretty scathing article calling Titans to task for not casting an actress in a wheelchair to play Barbara Gordon, then when it was pointed out that she did they didn’t drop it they just stealth edited a few sections.

His older books are really good, his newer ones are not bad and worth a read, but he overrelies on gore in the opinion of one person. Your mileage may vary. 

Yeah. Once they got past the novel they wanted to make June a hashtag girlboss and had no clue what to do with the Waterfords. (Remember the arc where we were supposed to forget that Serena-Joy was the architect of a lot the women were going through because she teamed up with June?)

There’s the Texas abortion ban. Terrible for women, great for the Handmaid’s Tale, baby!