Fronzel Neekburm

There’s a lot of anger from people who don’t seem to realize they don’t have to watch the show if you find it offensive/transphobic/not funny/etc. You don’t have to watch any TV, read any book, or go to any movie. There are a billion channels right now.

American Dad is hilarious, and it only gets funnier the longer it’s on.

I hope they tone down the Daughters of the Amazon for the show. I think they can and they’ll be pretty effective.

Um... did you finish the comics? Because he... may not... have been as cured as you think.

Nicolas Cage will need something to solve in 90 years.

I mean... have you seen some really snooty chefs? 

My favorite take on Snyder has been “the 300 radicalized so many people he’s terrible.” while ignoring 10 year of “rah-rah military and billionaires” that comes from the MCU. 

Here’s the deal my friends.

Jeremy Bearimy time, baby! 

Dan Savage often talks about how nude pictures leaking won’t be an issue for politicians anymore because everyone will have one.

I’d watch Sam Richardson in anything. I like Chris Pratt, too, but I’ve seen Sam Richardson in so much lately, and he’s perfect in it. If you haven’t seen Werewolves Within, do so. 

Here’s the thing about Killmonger I don’t understand (and I don’t being discussed too much): Why did he destroy the Heart of Wakanda? If he truely wanted liberation, then why didn’t he make sure everyone on his crusade had some?

I said this on the AV Club.

Lol. I’d let my ex who used to beat me know that but I made sure that we couldn’t be in contact anymore after she threatened my life. 

Wait until you hear about about the movie where a guy swings a hammer and it lets him fly. Utterly ridiculous. 

Avengers Endgame: “We can do time travel, but things have to end up the same way or weird stuff will happen.”

it’s a sequel to a movie where Arnold and Danny DeVito are twins. Now isn’t the time to go start poking holes into things.

You son of a bitch.

The one liner for this show sounds awful, but the cast sounds decidedly not awful. 

I hear he’s actually playing Khan.