Fronzel Neekburm

This is a solid list. I’ve not seen the irishman (yet) but I really like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The more I think about it, the more i realize there’s a ton going on. I just rewatched it and realized the entire middle scene where they break up the characters is brilliant... a fake Western where the star is

Looks like a certain website was a little TOO quick with the ol’ “Worst Things on the Internet” feature yesterday. 

i, too, love it, and that’s a really big reason why the movie works so well. He’s clearly having the best time. 

Does this mean he’s pro doxxing Postmates drivers?

I’m a little disappointed that the Area 51 thing didn’t go a little further. Like we discovered aliens, but they’re lame. No special powers. They’ve only been here for like, two months. The government hasn’t told us about them because quite frankly, they’re embarrassing.

They’re going to be hilarious until little Bryaydyn gets hurt jumping his tricycle over three schoolbuses.

Great movie. Easily one of my favorite movies of the year. 

i clarified further down that I do think they’re dumb, but to focus on bad ones is to focus on a symptom, not the disease. We’re getting to wrapped up in the symptom - look at these dumb people doing something I would never do, and then covering it on their own social media platforms where they’ve done something dumb. 

That’s kind of my point, though. There are literally thousands of these a year, but they cover the four or five TRAGIC ones and suddenly it’s an epidemic based on... a few idiots?

i won’t be happy until media is ONLY covering Gender reveal parties. 

I was a fan of this well before Hamilton, so I’m really looking forward to it.

the internet would be great without all of the people on it. 

Irony: Saying the discourse was bad when not only contributing to the discourse, but still contributing to the bad discourse within the write up of bad discourse itself.

I get what it was made, but part of what makes cats work(ish) on the stage is that there is a suspension of disbelief. Yes, that is a man in a fur coat, but you act like he’s a cat because that’s what you do in a theater. It’s not perfect, you work with what you got. A great example of that is the Spongebob music,

I’m surprised more people aren’t putting together the fact that a few years ago “Promposals” were a thing, then “wildly elaborate promposals” were a thing going viral then it was “promposal fail” which was typically some kind of racism. So, you have this group of people who were raised with the idea to film a mildly

I feel for the guy, and this movie looks interesting, but that’s not how cults work. 

And see where that’s gotten us.

We need some more Jocks to smash’em. Smash’em good!

I didn’t mean to knock Arrival or the Story of your Life. Just that I think he should be better known for Alchemist, because I liked it better for the reasons you said: it’s a new spin on time travel that is amazing. But like all good time Travel stories, it touches on something just right. I’m also a big fan of

Aw, man, you’re right. Every time i think of a new one, I think of how good his collection is.