Fronzel Neekburm

But was Luke washed up failure? I thought his deciding to head to Ach-to was a success.

the internet would be great without all of the people on it. 

Irony: Saying the discourse was bad when not only contributing to the discourse, but still contributing to the bad discourse within the write up of bad discourse itself.

I get what it was made, but part of what makes cats work(ish) on the stage is that there is a suspension of disbelief. Yes, that is a man in a fur coat, but you act like he’s a cat because that’s what you do in a theater. It’s not perfect, you work with what you got. A great example of that is the Spongebob music,

I’m surprised more people aren’t putting together the fact that a few years ago “Promposals” were a thing, then “wildly elaborate promposals” were a thing going viral then it was “promposal fail” which was typically some kind of racism. So, you have this group of people who were raised with the idea to film a mildly

I feel for the guy, and this movie looks interesting, but that’s not how cults work. 

And see where that’s gotten us.

We need some more Jocks to smash’em. Smash’em good!

I didn’t mean to knock Arrival or the Story of your Life. Just that I think he should be better known for Alchemist, because I liked it better for the reasons you said: it’s a new spin on time travel that is amazing. But like all good time Travel stories, it touches on something just right. I’m also a big fan of

Aw, man, you’re right. Every time i think of a new one, I think of how good his collection is. 

I think you mean Valleypearl. 

This show is only getting better and better. I only have two concerns with it. One is pretty minor: any time a show does a time jump like this they either a) fix some of the problems then mysteriously talk around it for a few episodes or b) hold things in state of suspended animation until thy get around to it. So...

They are knocking this entire thing out of the park. They aren’t just knocking it out of the park, they’re knocking it out of their park, into another park, then out of that park.

To those of you who have not read “The merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate” from Chiang’s collection, i HIGHLY recommend it. It’s an amazing story of potential, loss, and miles above “Arrival.” (Not that Arrival was bad, but I like the message of Merchant more. Could just be the “I’m getting old” in me.)

So... with all we now know of Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz... do we think she ever loved Greg, or that was just an experiment for her? Because she never fused with him, but Steven doesn’t seem to have that issue with anyone he cares about deeply. 

Um, yes. I was only watching it for the articles. 

I loved the last one with 12 and the Mondosian Cybermen. 

I agree Yaz/Doctor would be more interesting, but who would bring the pickle and cheese sarnies?


I cannot wait for this. I’m really digging the 13th Doctor. The one piece of Doctor Who lore I really hope they go back to is the Valeyard. I know that’s deep, but that has SO much potential for some interesting storytelling, and I think the 13th might be the way to do it.