Fronzel Neekburm

Because of a wizard. If you ever don’t know the answer: A wizard did it. 

Breaking news: company selling something showing how it might make a great present for any gift-giving holiday. 

I’m really worried that all of these delays in the sequel is going to delay the inevitable reboot. 

I’ll pay 1 million to never hear the name “Pete Davidson” again. 

I’m really looking forward to the Papa John Origin story directed by Todd Phillips. 

Yeah. Superman Returns wasn’t the fault of Brandon Routh playing Superman. I kind of wish he had gotten more chance to do it. 

I’ve always enjoyed the effort Arrowverse puts into their costuming. Even when the Flash was “meh” the fact that they were so willing to evolve was pretty dope. 

They probably want to film a THIRD scene where the evil monster is about to kill the humans and then Godzilla and/or King Kong saves them at the last minute. Two didnt’ feel like enough. 

Obligatory, “Luke’s father is... CHEWBACA!” post. 

he’s really not. He’s gather people to battle the Anti-Monitor.

I was looking at reactions of Crisis on Infinite Earths poster on another forum. The first one I read is that Batwoman was too big, she was too prominent, and it was PC culture that was making her big and if Black Lightning was better he’d get on it.

Finally SOMEONE listens to Gandalf. 

The demon Michael stuff was awesome. It’s a reminder of how good an actor Ted Danson is. 

You’re laughing now but you won’t when it transforms into a series 1 Autobot. I hear if you pay extra someone will get the hands out of the trunk and attach them for you. 

Solid episode. I think the boots, my dudes. Those boots.. It was a good reminder of who Chidi was and how he’s grown, which is what we needed in this season. We haven’t seen our Chidi quite as much this year. We’ve seen mind-wiped, not quite bonded with everyone. But that little moment brought back a lot. There’s a

Same I learned to stop nitpicking. But that being said, it’s really weird there’s no mention of that, and the fact that the solution is to reboot everything down to the Good Place and Bad Place. Like... how does that help?

YES! Do this. I’d love to see that. They won’t, but I’d love to see them just do another origin. 

They’re still in their test. The test was to see if the original group could pass the original test, and they all had to face the unfaceable: could Jason save Janet by using planning instead of being impulsive and having a plan. Could Tahani save the soul of someone who sought to undermine her? Now the ultimate: Chidi

Chewy ate them all. Stop pretending otherwise. 

Aw, man... the Black Cauldron. On the one hand, I love it how it is: kind of flawed island of misfit toys that didn’t really fit in with the other Disney movies but really enjoyable. But if it was given a second life... think about what someone could do with it now.