Fronzel Neekburm

I love PG-13 Horror movies. By the time i see the R-rated blood spraying all over the place, I’m not terrified anymore. I’m more terrified by what I don’t see, and often PG-13 forces filmmakers to not rely on just shoving the monster in our faces. 

Damn, this episode was frustrating as hell.


I see your point, but I still think it’s really bleak. The Judge finally allowed things to pass only after learning there was a problem with the system and after going down to figure it out herself. They’ve changed their jailer, but when given the opportunity to see how more might change it was Glen, and since it’s a

I think I realized the other day why I’ve been having a hard time with the Good Place this season. I think it’s because for all the love it gets for being this positive show, it’s actually incredibly bleak.

I mean... wasn’t that the point?

Not in 2019, apparently. 

I can’t wait to watch the first season and then the last season, knowing Netflix. 

Everyone is, but these are people I’d expect to have a good time. it would have been easy to make a joke that was basically “Ha-Ha! Fatty Falls down!” instead they made Melissa McCarthy’s character a great spy, and then made Jason Statham the butt of the joke. I just wouldn’t normally take him for a guy who spends

The movie overall is great, but I love seeing the sheer joy on the face of Jason Statham who spends the entire film making fun of himself. 

I would pay double for a WWE PPV if it Werner Herzog did color commentary. 

Disney Minus. The joke was right there. 

That’s not true. Back when it was Talk Soup they could only afford to buy Greg Kineer the front half of his clothes. he was constantly keeping his arms crossed so it wouldn’t fall off. 

Danga Zone...

I was going to complain that there aren’t any blue nuclear people writing the this TV show. 

Kinda weird how there was this movie that wasn’t Marvel that was being compared to a Scorsese film so they kept asking Scorsese about comic book movies in general and it turned into a passionate defense of all things Marvel.

this is the type of quality review I come to you for. 

Great list, but I’m kind of disappointed you didn’t put Big Mouth at 69.

The two characters in the song were flirting. That’s the context of the song. People need to lighten up. 

I’ve thought about this. What if it’s a test to see if Eleanor is a good person, or can be a good person? The tag line of the series originally was about a woman who showed up in Heaven and realized she didn’t belong. Now she’s trying to literally save humanity. There’s also a huge clue about the whole “horny for the