Fronzel Neekburm

Do you also remember when black people were going to rise up and kill any white people who went to go see Black Panther on opening weekend? I remember when that was a huge concern. 

Just see it. I’m so very tired of everything. I liked the Last Jedi, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther so I’m wrong on all counts.

I can’t wait to be hunted down by one. 

Which is a shame. He did a great job as Harry’s nemesis in the movies. 

I hear that was the original title but there’s a town in Iowa called Cobie Smulders Town. it’s unrelated to the actress, but there was a huge, protracted legal battle. Now they get credited whenever she does anything, except for the last Spider-Man movie since she was played by an alien the whole time. 

The twist: The baby is all of us. 

What you’re saying is, the Oscars will be cancelled since it’s just assumed this movie will win all of them.

If you think people are mad at Joker now, wait until they can brag that they have no intention of seeing it but it manages to reinforce all of their fears about it.

i have to be honest: I’m the opposite of this. I honestly want to know what happens because I’m terrified of death, and I want these characters i care about to end up in the Good Place or something like it.

How do I start the “Venmo Fronzel Neekburm $2 meme?” 

You’ve all fallen into one of the classic blunders. Never get involved with a remake when none of the original CAST is involved.

Because it looks bad-ass.

Still not enough to defeat the Dragon of Gormulox. 

The twist is that it’s just one movie, and you’re expected to stay in the theater for two years. 

But Sportsmaster is such a great character in the sense that he likes Sports, but he’s got this backstory that’s kind of dark and tragic. I think Cena could pull that off. 

John Cena as Sportsmaster is extremely on the nose and I’m here for it. 

Peter Capaldi should be Hugo Strange. That would be amazing. 

I’ll bet any amount of money he will be on tour in a few years with some version of the phrase “safe spaces” in the title. 

Stop teasing me with hope of a Gargoyles reunion. That show was perfection. 

The Real Free Speech Tour hosted by him, Adam Corolla, and Milos Yina... Yonae... That Dangerous Guy is going to make millions.