Fronzel Neekburm

Fuck this guy. He’s not “edgy”, he’s a jackass. But I do congratulate him on the millions he’ll make on the Right-Wing speaking circuit in a few years.

My apologies, I responded to you too quickly and didn’t even see the link. Thank you!

I believe the second one also had someone coming in because he knew he could profit off those people dressing up. A lot of history is headed up by grifters. 

I was listening to a podcast recently that talked about the recent trend of throwing milkshakes at people. the host (Robert Evans, Behind the Bastards) pointed out that a large portion of Nazis, Alt Right, or any Cult is to portray themselves as noble, as warriors. Humiliating them is one of the best says to get under

I see the “It’s still getting good reviews so we have to dig deep into other aspects of this production to crap all over this movie” hot takes have begun.

I’ve got two words for you.

Or did they go back in time, create Fyre Fest knowing this would happen, THEN cancelled it using this comparison?

Anakin: “I hate sand...”

Finally, the Skarsgard/Goldberg standoff that’s been brewing for quite some time.

Didn’t he also play a charismatic vampire who’s the leader of a group of vampires. 

I didn’t read the theory under the picture of the Avengers, choosing to believe that it says that the theory is she joins the Avengers and this is her uniform. 

I’m surprised we don’t see more of this. I think Disney + is getting the idea with some of these Marvel TV Shows bleeding into the movies (If they can do it. The fact that Howard the Duck gets a cameo in Endgame but they couldn’t find time for Coulson is sad) but why couldn’t the channel put up a 15 minute short where

“I’ll have a martini with locally sourced olives, all sustainable served without a toothpick, not too shaken as to not trigger anyone’s misophonia”

Oh, I know. And I know seeing it helps show how messed up it is. These have always just creeped me out extra for some reason.

That’s one of the blessings and the curses of the internet. On the one hand, we have unlimited knowledge at our fingertips, we can find out the name of an extra from 20 years ago. Conversely, we think that makes us an expert in everything, with minimal research. 

Independent Together is one of my favorite songs from anything at this point. 

This isn’t the time to be going easy when it comes to Piers Morgan. Let’s throw in a scene where Bond converts to Islam at the end, and throw in some gender neutral pronouns, just to make sure. 

Lock the thread. No one will top this. 

That’s the reference! (But I was sincere about wanting to see the movie)

I was on the fence about this movie, but a lot of what you said seems to have moved to to want to see it. TO THE MULTIPLEX!