Fronzel Neekburm

Just so we’re clear a “D” means “see it immediately and bask in how terrible it is”, right?

This movie looks amazing. Joaquin Phoenix is incredible, and this looks like an appropriately dark tale. I can’t wait for it.

I’d even go so far to say the consistent focus on June, and the need to watch as she turns into a bad-ass superhero.

“I was going to start this revolution, but it turns out that too much paper dissolves in water, so it ended up just being me and Aquaman, and I hate that guy...”

He hasn’t been cancelled yet, why is he doing a stand up set as if he has?

Let me know where I can invest in this movie theater of yours. Because my recent showing of Ready or Not (great movie!) was ruined by idiots who I guess really needed to check their snapstagrams. 

Spoilerphobic Culture has reached it’s peak. 

What is this list? No mention of Conan at ALL.

I’ve had a theory that Rey was Force created like Anakin was. (That’s why she’s a natural in the Force, and why she was abandoned: Her parents didn’t want her.) Maybe two were created, or she’s twins?

So did He said/She said in the 80's. So did Rashomon. So did Star Trek: The Next Generation’s “A Matter of Perspective.” So did Leverage’s “THe Rashomon Job.” X-Files “Jose Chung from Outer Space” I think there was an episode of Frasier. 


A nice reminder that more screen time in Avengers: Endgame has been given to perpetuating a joke and a talking duck than all of the characters in SHIELD (Remember when Coulson was really important) and the Defenders combined.

I hear the patent owner Al E. Gator couldn’t be reached for comment, but could be seen in an oversized fedora, trench coat, and what looked like green boots. 

I’ve been dying for this. I can’t wait to try it, Popeye’s is hands down my favorite fast food fried chicken.

Yzma is number one. This is a fact. A fact that we will put it in a box, mail to ourselves, and when it arrives we will SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!

This news blows me away, much like the planet itself. 

Can’t he change, though? Isn’t that the point of a lot of other stories really, the ability to change and grow? i think he starts to see growth in this movie. He learns who he is. Again, he may not get it until he’s with Spring, but he’s moving on, and trying.

I agree with you about those not being the characters names, but because we’re already in a surreal environment as it is. We don’t get that he’s narrating it, but we get that this is sort of through his eyes, if that makes sense. Like a third person limited scope.

Honestly, that’s one of the more important parts of the movie that’s overlooked: We’re all dicks in some way. We’ve all had that “romantic vs. reality” moment in the film, whether it be about a job, a lover, a friend, a situation... they should show that scene to all high school freshman on their first day of school

Exactly. He may not get it 100% right, but all evidence shows that he’s going to do better next time. And that’s all we can hope for in all of us: To do better.