Fronzel Neekburm

They do in retrospect, but they were pretty groundbreaking at the time. I did a big research project on it, and I looked into what was going on at the time, and they took some big risks by doing this. 

Never stop hating Larry.

I’d say a lot of people are missing out, especially with the Green Lantern/Green Arrow run in the 1960's and 1970's that tackled a lot of what it meant to be a superhero. It tackled racism, the very first story featured a bunch of black kids attacking a man and Green Lantern “heroically” saving him (he was a slumlord

Petition to change “Ugh, Larry” to “Ugh Badison”. 

Learn what context means.

Yeah, I’m all for recognizing when AV Club is being just a little too woke for it’s own good (say the words “Joss Whedon” in front of any AV Club writer and they’ll slink away like vampires) but Polanski raped a child, then fled the country. That’s... that’s not being too woke.

If Roman Polanski made a movie starring Kevin Spacey for Netflix, their heads would explode. EXPLODE I tells ya.

i’m optimistic about it, too. It’s like every good Joker origin. Multiple choice.

This is the only question I want answered.

I’m a little disappointed that the title wasn’t “Gemini Man Featurette shows the de-aging process, and that’s how he became the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”

That’s really comforting. I went to Wikipedia to look at it and I was NOT happy nor looking forward to this. Thank you!

The DC/CW shows surpass expectations every damn time, and I’m sure this will be no different. I love that they’re just going for it.

Hank Hill would have supported Trump at first, then slowly started to realize the error of his ways. I don’t see him voting for Hillary, but he zero percent would have voted for Trump.

Aw, man, now I miss Robin Williams again.

it sounds like Ellen Barkin’s aiming for the lead role in the Barney Biopic. 

This is a really cool take on the character, and one I had not considered but is certainly the case. I really enjoyed this book, and I really, really enjoyed this particular character because Gestalt was so unique. (And the entire character is referred to as Gestalt, the separate “pieces” are referred to as their

Ah, dehydration from crying. i can’t wait. (I really can’t.)

I’m torn between wanting this to be Portman on her own, working with Valkerie to figure out how use her new power with a few cameos from Hemmsworth as he senses something is up from the Bennatar, or being full on What we do in the Shadows Laszlo/Nadjia.

This is going to be amazing. I can’t wait for it. 

Thanks, I’ll have to check that out!