Fronzel Neekburm

Do you think the people who made Crawl are all looking at each other right now thinking “I know! We’re as surprised as you!” ?

It’s not so much that it’s wrong to wonder how slippery a slope it is to be policing peoples’ ‘wokeness’

I was hoping it was because they secretly already invented lightsabers and they could train with the real thing.

Stop with the “sexy Rasputin” stuff. It’s not needed. He was always sexy, so it’s implied by the fact that he’s in this.

So what this article is saying is that we can expect an article complaining that she’s not Russian after the first Black Widow trailer?

I think it was the Great Wall Controversy that evaporated after people watched the movie. Everyone is still mad at Scarlett Johansson, unless she’s killed off in a Marvel movie. Then we’re not mad at her?

Let me clue everyone in to what’s going to happen with this particular news/outrage cycle.

Thus robbing us of a future where all movies are Dave Bautista action comedies.

Characters can be flawed. This need to make them all perfect all the time is what’s hurting entertainment.

Wow, this makes it sound deader than Mufasa after the first act.

it’s still good to hear. Thank you. 

Aw, man, I’m afraid something bad is going to happen to that dog and we’re getting Space John Wick. 

Thanos was right. 

blue for boy, pink for girl, and flames for the Antichrist, right?

Thank you. I’ve worked hard to get from this place, but this helps. 

And that’s part of my issue with these “Hopper is terrible” hot takes. No one is looking at any of the circumstances around what is going on from a character who’s held it together pretty well until this moment. I just think the biggest change from season 1 to season 3 is the near desire to pick out what the

Doesn’t matter if it’s non-Malicious or not.

This. Right here. it’s like people are complex, and they can do good and bad things. I’m not even saying that Hopper gets a pass, but it’s clear he was dealing with things I think a lot of people are blatantly ignoring for their thinkpieces. 

It’s almost as if his first daughter and he’s trying to protect a surrogate daughter who is still technically on the run from an evil organization and isn’t sure how to process his feelings.

I still say Brenner is the American, and was feeding information to them about the Upside Down.