Fronzel Neekburm

No, we’re good for Look Who’s talking Remakes. Thank you for your inquiry, though.

We need another Demolition Man. 

It’s Brenner, who was kidnapped or possibly taken hostage while trying to sell information about the Upside Down to the Russians.

I mean.. I’ll curl up into a ball and cry until you get ashamed and walk away out of pity.

I’m sure if you ask nicely one of your friends will do it now. 

Those mini-models are all dependent on a stable system to help them afterwards. And given what we’ve seen, it only takes one grifter to prey on scared people and mobilize them to do stupid, terrible things. 

That was my point. I wasn’t say that we were overdue like it was a good thing. More like it’s a waiting game at this point. 

there were a bunch of people got REALLY angry that the fictional creature isn’t being played by someone who’s the right color, so I’d say we’re overdue for a little collapse. 

I really hope that we get some of the Identity Crisis storyline in the next Spider-Man movie. That would be neat and it could play with the idea of different Spider-Costumes.

wrong, you get to see the water, but you will not be allowed to be addicted to it! What a glorious day!

I mean... give it a couple of years and we can just go to the real thing, right?

It’s nice that we can take a break from the Ariel casting controversy so we can focus on the “no song/more serious approach” controversy of Mulan.

Nothing can kill Goofy. He’s immortal. They don’t bring it up in the cartoons very often.

Aw, man, rough day for Halle Berry and racists, huh?

I have this running theory that they wanted to try to create Darth Vader again through two methods: his blood (Kylo) and circumstance (Rey). I don’t think they should be “shipped” but I can get why they would be drawn toggether. 

This is the comedy that broke him. AA is now broken. 

Stuber is Stubid.

Same with me. When I’m going through the worst of my anxiety it’s a “why bother” kind of deal. When I notice this, I force myself to tend to my hygiene, even if I have to make a list and cross it off.

Turns out the real Walking Dead were the friends we made along the way. 

I’m a little wary that this capsule preview doesn’t answer the question of whether Spider-Man can do whatever a spider can.