Fronzel Neekburm

Great movie, terrible problem with the villain. Mostly Thanos, who’s supposed to be this big bad that we’re building to, and gets mostly spoken about in hushed tones or how he did these terrible things, and is immediately betrayed by Ronan.

I heard a spokesman for the middle-schoolers responded with a statement. It reads, “We’re rubber, you’re glue...”

Since so many are asking: It’s Captain America: Civil War.

i loved Ragnarock except one scene: The end where Thor’s home is destroyed and they follow it up with a joke. That should have been more emotional. 

No. It’s not one of my favorites, but it’s MCU-Bad, which means it’s still pretty good. i think it would have been improved had this been Age of Ultron, or at least lead us into it a little bit. 

Not Guardians 2, although I had some questions about the official introduction of David Hasselhoff in to the MCU. Does it mean: 1. He never made Nick Fury: Agent of Shield 2. He DID make Nick Fury: Agent of Shield and it was funded by conspiracy theorists to prove it existed or 3. He made it, and it was funded by the

it was not Black Panther. Think more sequelly. 

Looks awesome. Now to find out the mystery of who is this... “Skywalker” person. Someone important? We’ll have to find out!

You know, I typed that quickly this morning not thinking, but my least favorite Marvel movie is a really unpopular opinion, so I’m not gonna say.If I had typed that later, I would have left it out.

I was rewatching this one the other day, and it’s really not that bad. It’s “MCU-bad”, which means it’s still pretty good. (There’s only one “bad” movie in the MCU, really, and this isn’t it.)

I just want to point out that none of these spots discount my theory that Ned ends up saving everyone. 

I want to make it clear: I’m not criticizing the “They didn’t call the Avengers every movie.” I’m criticizing the reactions of the movies to the fact that the Avengers existed, and the fact that they didn’t know what to do with it while they were making the movies. 

I liked Iron Man 3. I liked the Mandarin twist because it did show a willingness to still put some interesting twists on classic characters, and I wish they followed up with the thread on the one-shot that implied not only was there a Mandarin, but he was pretty pissed off. I think they could have done a lot with the

I wish you luck on your Quixotian quest to see this movie. 

i’m looking forward to this, but the live action CGI Robin Hood is going to be awesome.


This was an amazing moment every damn time i watch it. Just... perfection in a 1 minute sequence. 

I know she’s dead, but my money is still on her to end the show on the iron Throne. 

“I’m going to get some communion wine.”

That was one of my favorite moments in the movie, and up until Civil War it’s a powerful one. The “I could do this all day” line is fantastic, and it shows that he’s going to fight for what’s right and the little guy. Which is why a better scene might have been at the end, (The real end - not the scene that should