Fronzel Neekburm

Can we discuss how DC is jumping the gun a little with some of these announcements? We haven’t even seen the other 1982 Wonder Woman movies, but they’re jumping head to making Wonder Woman 1984? Come on, now.

Am I the only one who finds Han and Matt know it all kind of gross? I tried listening to it, but their schtick is they try to answer other people’s advice columns, and they come down a little unnecessarily harsh on people’s sometimes. I’m not going to write into some advice columnists for certain advice, why would i

it’s a shame that Celine Dion already did a song for Deadpool. If she did it for this, you youngins would have known what it was like to live back in Titanic-times.

The real reason, of course, is no one quipped, “I have an army,” and then Nick Fury wasn’t around to quip, “Well, I have a Captain Marvel.”

This new one sounds pretty interesting, though. I like the idea of jumping ahead and seeing what life is like now that kids are growing up having known only a zombie world. It might be kind of cool to find a huge settlement that’s trying to return to a pre-zombie world, and trying to fight that.

From how I understand it, basically Iron Man had a fun cameo from Nick Fury that wasn’t really meant to go anywhere, and then they added Tony Stark to the end of Hulk as another sort of “test”. In reality, the “first” real phase of the MCU is Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America, right?

Exactly. :)

I’m ashamed that this headline didn’t say, “And we should a-get ready-o.”

Nice catch!

i really liked Black Panther, but I had two issues with it.

Thank you. His own people are expendable in his quest to get to Wakanda: there is no reason to believe that he wouldn’t sell out everyone there to reach his quest for power. He’s a great villain for all the reasons you mention, but he’s that: a villain, and a power mad one a that who’s against all of the equality he’s

I would agree with this, but nowadays people can’t get in their seats, quiet, with their phones off, by the time regular movies start (because if some people catch even a second of trailers or commercials, they will melt.) I shudder to think what would happen if there was an actual intermission and we get to miss the

With Don Quixote coming out, we need a new movie to hitch our dreams to for another 30 odd years. 

i’m pretty excited for it. It looked different. 

This is all an elaborate April Fool’s joke, right? There’s no way this is real. This is like a sub-plot in an episode of 30 Rock. 

Shut it down. Shut down the thread. No one else is going to type anything better. 

There’s a world of difference between, “Captain Marvel can time travel! You’re only watching the first twenty minutes of the film! Thanos is Tony Stark’s father!” vs. “Hey, we’re selling tickets for this movie and you bought the 10:00 show, but it turns out that it’s actually 5 hours long so you’ll have to wait for


Before any filmmakers keep any unnecessary secrets, they should be forced to watch everything that went down with Star Trek Into Darkness and the Khan debacle.

They’re onto us! Cheese it!