Fronzel Neekburm

i think Chris Evans would make a wonderful Vinzinni. 

It’s about the spirit of Martin Luther King, it’s about ethics in **checks notes** ... movies? Actors? I’m sure someone will be along shortly to let us all know which Rotten Tomatoes score we’re tanking this week. 

The names of everyone who helped to make the movie will scroll up in black and white while music plays. 

Black Cauldron. Why are are you just sitting in the Disney cannon, not being remade live action, making wheelbarrows full of money?

In fairness, they do have the money to genetically modify a pride of lions to sing and dnace. 

Did he defend it or did he just show footage from the 1989 version of Batman?

A blue swirley portal opened up before an alien ship crashed into London, but DON’T LOOK AT ME I GLOW!

Oooh, a deepened connection. Maybe it will give the name of TWO locations in the MCU instead of just the one. 

The scene where Diana walks across that battlefield is a Masterclass in how you introduce a superhero. Everyone who makes a superhero movie should be required to watch that scene.

The most terrifying thing about this, to me, is that the first place people went to was “clearly they’re basing this based on your sexual orientation!” without doing anything to confirm it, throwing unnecessary panic people’s way.

Damnit. What did AA have to be the one to review this?

YES! Bring her career full circle. 

Bruce Willis will never die. Why do you lie? Why do you tell lies?

Naw, in 20 years we can show them in therapy along with Jack Bauer and John McClane. 

Same. Remember when we had a really bad Frankenstein invasion in 1985 in Virginia?

If Steve dies, I will burn it all to the ground. All of it.

Disney: “Gunn, you’re fired.”

I hope the post credits scene of Endgame is just live footage of him driving onto the lot.

Perhaps if The Hulk didn’t sit around until Loki said, “We have a Hulk” they could have done more together. :)