Fronzel Neekburm

I know that last one was a joke, but the episode where he decided to go into Starfleet was beautiful, and fully ahead of it’s time.

When am I getting the Deep Space Nine follow up movie we all crave?

Look, I get this article means well, but what they are describing would be like trying to walk to the moon. Don’t fight the IKEA... accept that it owns you the minute you walk into one.

This is our fault. We said Idris Elba should be in everything and they called our bluff.

Wait... but the sign on the tree over there says “Wabbit Season.”

Re: Scarlet Witch and Vision

I like this way more than anything they will be doing.

This is also how they finally caught me while I had that outstanding warrant.

On the downside, this show had a lot of development, and a lot of places it could go. I hope this just means we’re getting Daughters of the Dragon, Heroes for Hire, or even another Defenders that maybe takes other characters and makes them defend since that was the point of the Defenders: They were whichever heroes

Or is it the same show, but everyone is really heavily disguised?

Ok, so in this scene you’re a Sith Lord, but you’re trying to buy coffee with sugar and cream on Tattoine. And.... go!

Scene: Captain America has been stabbed, sacrificing himself for the universe. Tony Stark sits next to him.

The blue light is clear a reference to a helipad, as in the blue lights that signal that a helicopter is about to take off. The Russos are saying we’re getting what we have been waiting for since the first Avengers showed Thanos on his throne, staring at Earth.

Sizing up which humans it’s going to kill first, I’d imagine.

“Computer, activate Emergency Amy Winehouse Program.”

It’s because she wasn’t married to me. That marriage would have worked out, I’m sure of it.

It could work, but you would need to tone down Michael. he had a really good arc at the end where he calmed down and became someone that his staff could look up to.

I’m still not feeling this season. This is everything we’ve seen before: They want to learn to be good people, there’s some shenanigans, Michael is getting creepily over-invested... The end of this episode seems to hint that something bigger is about to hit, but honestly, they need to start moving forward, rather than

Came here to say just this... I’m worried she’s that. Or maybe she’s a representative of a good place, and my insane theory that perhaps the Bad Place has been rigging the game and the Good Place wants to know what’s up is coming true.

Finally. My dream casting, right there.