Fronzel Neekburm

Any word on who will be Black Panther since he died in Avengers: Infinity war?

This week’s Unpopular Opinion Podcast is all about how NBC Screwed us

You mean an entire episode? Where she gave humans a 3rd chance to prove themselves? Even when she was yelling at them for failing their trials didn’t move her arms around like that?

That’s the thing: There’s a lot they can do. The problem is they seem to be treating the Good Place as a destination and an end instead of another piece of the puzzle. What if they get to the Good Place (or they did last year) and found out that it sucked?


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

I’ll be honest, I don’t know how much I’m digging this new season of the Good Place. It feels like a little bit of wheel spinning to stop them from getting to the Good Place. Also, Michael’s transformation seems REALLY fast.

io9: “Hey, Venom did better than we thought, so we don’t have any follow up.”

Lol. Sounds good.

This would be, hands down, the perfect team. She could handle the “Serious” superhero stuff. He could take the deeper cut, wackier stuff. It would be amazing.

Spot-on! i do hope this is in Supergirl’s world, though so they can have some more cool crossovers. World’s Finest type stuff.

LaForge would just be the adventures of Captain LaForge on a new planet, reading a short story to the aliens on it AND IT WOULD BE TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR THIS WORLD.

While I could watch a million seasons of a Captain Picard series, I kind of hope they turn it a little bit into an anthology and each season we get a different Captain. Picard, Janeway (although technically she’s an admiral now), Archer, Sisko (although technically he’s god, I guess)... i think it could be an

I will be taking an “oath” not to see this movie.

My only real complaint of the episode is no TARDIS... I know that’s leading us into next week, but there’s something exciting about seeing the new Doctor, all TARDIS’d up and ready for adventure.

I learned something new and hilarious today.

We’re just going to gloss over the fact that her name is Broccoli? Anyone... anyone..? Ok.

So, then... wouldn’t it have been better to do that instead of having people who can lift cities fighting in an abandoned air port?

The trend to only one companion has been pretty recent, and not always consistent. Smith, Capaldi, and Tennant all had two at some point (if you can count Rory as a companion)(I do, it’s a joke, lighten up). The first Doctor had three. It sets up an interesting dynamic, particularly Ryan/Graham which I’m looking

It was those little moments that made me like her. I could totally see Peter Capaldi saying the same thing. I could see David Tennant doing the pushing.