Fronzel Neekburm

Star Wars is getting the most attention because it fits the current narrative. (White Male Entitled Fans angry!) But fans have been losing it for a little bit now, and have been pushing people off of social media. See: Steven Universe and Sherlock as two recent examples.

That was my only problem with the Last Jedi... it subverted every expectation and challenged the viewer until the end. Then Luke took down the First Order with a “laser sword” while Chewbaca and the Falcon destroyed all the tie fighters. it was a little messy there. But I still loved the movie.

I liked Batman v. Superman AND The Last Jedi, AND I had no problem with the score. i get it.

i would watch the hell out of that episode. I’d watch it six or seven times.

I liked the book. I LOVED the movie.

I was coming in to make this joke, so it’s all good.

So... cookies?

The scenes with Emily’s commander are terrifying, but that being said, I honestly believe that he’s going to turn out to be part of the resistance. He could be a great character, someone who’s ideas where twisted up into what we see now, and now he wants to take it down. (Like, he’s not totally innocent, but they took

Great episode. i like how it explored the idea that you can’t lose yourself to love, it has to better who you are as a person.

This phone call was done in only one take, so I refuse to believe it.

Skyscraper looks interesting as the genre, “Die Hard, but in a _____” comes full circle.

I have reported you to the authorities for forgetting about Fernando

I guess we know which movies will be winning all of the Oscars whichever year this one comes out.

Jar Jar Binks was awful, especially in the Phantom Menace. But honestly, I don’t blame Ahmed. I blame: “Hey we need something cute to put on T-Shirts here’s this goofy guy the kids will love it!” Stop sending hate to artists.

My favorite quote is one misattributed to Oscar Wilde when asked about his play flopping: “ The performance was spectacular, but the audience was terrible.” (or something like that.)

As mentioned in this review and elsewhere, there is a TON of wheel-spinning and backwards action in this. Colonies! (sorta) Terrorist attack! (that’s forgotten about.) Forbidden love! (off screen.) I think part of this might be the need to continue to focus on June, when really she could have been a side character

Be honest. Was this computer’s name “Ultron?”

Imagine if they dedicated that time to cutting and releasing their own trailer.

Wait.. it’s not just “The End” appearing on the screen is it? I won’t accept that from my students, and I won’t accept that here, either.

Once again, the Juggalos have shown us the way...