Fronzel Neekburm

You know what you’re getting when you go to a buffet. Just pray no one has reached under the sneeze guard to sneeze on things.

I’m glad you wrote this, but it’s really a shame you had to. People were gunned down, but i know there are going to be complaints because CNN aired a few words that for some reason everyone declared was “bad” and we can’t say despite the fact that it’s a word and only has the meaning we ascribe to it.

I can’t wait to watch season 2. I can practically smell the Aquanet

Aidan Bryant. She needs a good role to pull her out of the “plucky best friend” typecast (even if she’s good at it.) But she’d be awesome at it.

I don’t even know it’s my favorite movie of the year, but it has stuck with me in a way that most movies don’t. i want to watch it a bunch of times and study it. It’s such a fascinating film.

Seeing Thoroughbreds on this list (Which is one of my top 3 movies of the year, by the way) reminds me of an argument my wife and I were having about the movie. How long was Lilly playing Amanda? My wife thinks she came up with the plan during the movie, i thought it was always the case, which is why she left the

I disagree, i thought that the movie improved on the book in every way.

I cannot argue with this list. Please add at least two films that at which I can express some type of rage. Thank you.

So... it was only slightly worse than Infinity War?

Oh, I have zero doubt they will. It just sounds like a good idea.

This... doesn’t seem like a terrible idea.

They’re buckets of what basically amount to chocolate milkshakes, you just get to feel superior because you’re supposedly a coffee aficionado. I mean... i don’t say that as judgement because I’m not much healthier, given the amount of actual chocolate milkshakes i consume. I just don’t try to hide it

That’s not true. We feel neither highs nor lows.

This would imply that the people in Baltimore who claim to speak English actually can speak English.

I’ll stand by you, my friend! Let them hurl their to-mah-toes at us! We can take it!

Have you met the internet? Last week they showed a picture of Steve Trevor in the new Wonder Woman movie (That started filming... LAST WEEK) and there already twelve thinkpieces about how it was going to destroy the franchise out by the end of the day.

It helped settle a lot of debates on how to say “symbiote.”

I wonder which child actor will grow to be the one to take on the role of “Jimmy Fallon” in the son to be Academy Award winning film “MAGA” that is the guaranteed artistic hit in a few years. I mean... it won’t be whatever’s left of America to make it but i think when Canada takes over for us they’ll probably keep

It will be interesting to read a version of Frankenstein that is the original vision and not cobbled together from a bunch of random parts.

This is perfect, and I will be shutting down all internet use for me today as nothing will top this. God bless.