Fronzel Neekburm

You know what, I made a snarky comment. I made a joke, like I do on 90% of the articles on this website. I didn’t realize it was going to set anyone off THAT much. Deep breath, and I hope you can get through whatever is really bothering you. I really do.

YES! That and the lettuce.

Remember when putting your feet on the desk of the Oval Office and wearing a tan suit were impeachable offenses?

And this isn’t bad, but it would be like if we watched all of Law and Order: SVU then suddenly Finn wakes up with Godlike powers and the show became about whether you murder sex offenders withy our God-powers or not. It’s the shift that is bad, not the focus on different pop culture.

Just like the book, which went from “The 80's” and captured a time and place through pop culture then suddenly went “look! Fight Club! And Serenity! And all nerd stuff!”

We do need that one movie that was Jaws, but with a Moose.

I’m commenting because if I click the upvote or star button or whatever it’s just going to act like I’m trying to take away from the fact that this comment deserves all the comments and all the stars. All of them. Ever.

So it IS going to be like the last part of the book which took the nuanced view of nostalgia and hanging out with your friends in the 80's from the first half and then devolved into “Nerd stuff, amirite?”

I’m sure if we all got together we could scrape together enough money to get this done.

Let me know if you have a Gofundme or Patreon, I’d like to contribute to seeing your vision completed.

“That’s like saying Spielberg made Jurassic Park in an effort to ride Carnosaur’s coattails...”

So... a series based on my favorite book from Neil Gaiman starring three of my favorite actors.

I hope that it’s that she finally realizes she hasn’t lost her only chance with me.

Yeah. I’m feeling that. Thank you.

I hate that I have anything in common with him, but damned if the Big Lebowski doesn’t unite us all.

One thing about his interview I did find interesting was this idea that we haven’t progressed that far on crime. On the one hand, as pointed out, he’s completely 100% wrong - we have. But on the other, with the proliferation of the 24 hour news cycle it’s easy to see why someone might feel that we haven’t. Even now

So... are we going to see Matt LeBlanc in this or what? Stop teasing us, Netflix.

Since they’ll still be filling their swimming pools with 100 dollar bills, setting it on fire, then swimming in the second swimming pool filled with 100 dollar bills, I don’t think they really care how much time in between releases, as long as they get paid. I mean... Black Panther will continue to make money

I hope something knocks it out of the number one spot soon. Not because I didn’t like the movie, (part of me hopes it’s number 1 and has to go against Infinity War for the number 1 spot) but I feel that you guys are running out of “rules” and “reign” puns. Maybe next week could refer to a kingly sum? Just trying to

Then how would we find out how Jack got his tattoos in the third season of Lost? I mean... what would you do, just consider them unimportant because they have no bearing on the rest of the plot and they’re never mentioned again?