Fronzel Neekburm

I hope that the first episode starts with Frank Underwood running down a long alleyway then a slow motion shot of Claire leaping into the air and firing three arrows into his back.

I’m hoping there’s no supernatural threat in Stranger Things Season 3, it’s just the threat of Erica showing up and mocking everything these young nerds love so much.

Spoilers for comic book:

I’m really disappointed they left me out again this year despite the fact that I’m still alive and not famous.

I refuse to see this movie unless Lin-Manuel Miranda adopts a terrible cockney accent and/or they final confirm Mary Poppin’s status as a time-lord.

I can’t wait for the hot takes that point out that this movie is offensive not only for it’s portrayal of all fish-monsters as savages but also the fact that they put a human in fish-monster face instead of finding a real fish-monster to play the part.

This is his make-up year for not winning for his career defining role as Zorg in the Fifth Element.

The important thing to remember is that no matter what wins, the hot takes about why it shouldn’t have won has already been written, and it will be a very controversial win. There will be zero headlines that say, “They got it right!”

That is pretty jarring.

Or a picture from the front.

That’s funny, my original post used a lot of stuff about complaints about the Dark Knight, too... I agree, by the way. The Joker planned a ton of stuff, and some worked, some didn’t, and I bet there were other contingencies out there.

Trying to get ahead of the Amy Schumer “I feel pretty” juggernaut.

I think we’re agreeing on the big picture, just missing the finer details. As it should be, sparks pretty good debate.

I totally get what you’re saying too, but you could make that argument of “he could have killed them” for any number of movies. (And you’d shut down most of the James Bond franchise.)

Yeah, I started to make a joke about how he only showed up because it was to keep him from babbling to everyone while R2 was gone, then I edited something and forgot to put it back in.

But that’s my point... the plan was never to “Rescue Han.” it was to Rescue Han and stop the crime syndicate.

They knew that they couldn’t storm Jabba’s palace, so the plan was to get everyone inside the palace and take it down.

Hurricane Heist looks absolutely terrible, and I cannot wait to watch it

They have every right to be as judgemental as possible. But when that judgement is the exact opposite of the point they’ve been making for a few movies now, maybe there’s something we should start openly discussing.

AV Club: Modern Family hasn’t been funny in a few years. This episode was pretty good, I’ll grant you, but you should be covering The Middle’s last season. The shot of Brick silently confronting Mike in all of his Colt’s gear was amazing.