
Shouldn't you be keeping the two kids in the back of the class from stabbing each other with pencils?

Apropos to nothing in particular, this reminded me of Kirk Maltby's faux-quote when the Wings played in Chicago the night the Blackhawks hung their banner: "Wow, the Blackhawks organization has won four Stanley Cups? Me too."

The logo is supposed to represent a wing, so it would look kind of silly going backward (unless it was on Chad Johnson's jersey, in which case it would represent a parachute).

"You're the vulgarian, you fuck."

I was just being silly

I think it's derecho when you're talking to a boy and derecha when you're talking to a girl.

I love that there is always someone who refuses to recognize that there's a world outside New York and seems to think that just because he's managed to be cram himself into the Volkswagen with all 8 million other clowns that he's entitled to special recognition. We get it, things are always worse when you pack

No, I'm sure you caught the part where people who raped kids and lied about it were punished. Now comes the part where they punish the people who let it happen.

Well, the NCAA probably forgot to insert Rule #4,905 "Thou shalt not stand idly by while some old guy rapes little kids" because they never thought a university would be stupid enough to actually let that happen (for a similar reason, there's also no rule prohibiting shooting players who commit turnovers).

Pat "the little ball of hate" Verbeek