
Reminds me of a convo I had today with my new white British female coworker about feminism. She was like "Anyone who's not a feminist is a horrible person" blah blah when I said I wasn't a feminist (to be followed by "I'm a womanist"). I explained to her a few issues I have with feminism, mainly that there's no

I've been living in Asia for many years, and it's an emphatic no from me, dawg.

That killed the show for me. I kept watching to the end, but I don't think I'd watch a second season, for more than one reason.

That's funny since Trump's friends with Vinnie Mac. He probably gets the creative team to write promos—I mean, speeches, for him.

I first saw him in Predators.
He was great in Luke Cage. 😩😍

He's so fine………..😩

This makes me think of the white American woman that filmed herself running around here recently kissing Japanese men on the street to "prove" they're sexy.

1000% true, but a disturbing number of people refuse to believe this.

This is me also. The more they do, the more I want to do.

I believe this. I'm not in one, but I've seen that you don't, time and time again.

I have to agree with this. Even though I get annoyed with a lot of things (basically the foreigner experience), including a lot of imported (by white media/people) ignorance regarding black folks, I keep returning to Japan because it's been easier/better for me in many ways. It can be especially challenging because it

I very much doubt it would be welcome. Even among African countries, relations can be problematic to something else entirely, so throwing yet another culture into the mix would generate even more tensions.

I always think about that. Also, who knows how many missing persons cases are actually their work?

I have read some comments elsewhere, so any mention of his features such as skintone brings it to mind to comment on, since it was on my mind already. Like I said, it was a rhetorical question and comments not directed to anyone in particular. From what I've seen, we can discuss topics related to the articles/topic or

Since I've been seeing a trend, I have to rhetorically ask: Where do some folks live where being biracial and/or a lighter skintone is brand new? Ijs. I 100% get the oft-itemized reasons why it's relevant to apparently a lot of black folks, but it's one thing to notice it - it's something else to focus on it all the

People keep explaining it to you, in detail, eloquently, but you're not receiving it because you're basically trying to wear these WOMEN down to agree with your viewpoint. But thank you for giving us yet another example of someone not understanding something because they made it about themselves. You don't seem to

"wasn't black enough"

Those types of guys aren't checking for other types of black women either. It's just an excuse. They act like they don't like stereotypes, but they both assign stereotypes to all black women while thinking you're weird or "acting white" if you don't fit the stereotypes. If they don't want to be with black women, why

I'm exactly the same.

You're right; for those types, it is a way to distract from that. There will always be several people who will answer the call to brush off a message in order to soothe their hurt feelings or insecurities. In my family, there is no dark/medium (folks always forget about us)/light skin privilege. The half-white family