
Thank you.

EXACTLY! Well said.

It was a metaphor, a very accurate, necessary one at that. Personally, I (and the person watching with me) instantly got what he meant, but unfortunately, interpretation can be a very confusing thing.

This keeps making me think of V for Vendetta.

Beautiful in its truth.

"Black Americans don't give a f*ck about immigration. They don't."

I believe Trump will become president (not capitalizing the word for his sake), because I no longer have faith in a country that allows, even encourages, its police force to murder unarmed minorities, namely us.

Reminds me of that Eve episode, except the best man was the one crying.

Couldn't get past the first episode of the first season. I know what I don't like within the first fifteen minutes of a viewing, but I really tried hard, so I gave it one whole episode.

They are. I love Japanese toilets because they have a bidet and even a drying function (along with others).

Hmm. What's weird is that I do the reverse. I won't post vacay, party, etc. pics, but I will let people know what I'm watching or listening to. I've been on social media a long time, but I oftentimes don't use it like other folks do. If I put all the other things I do, I might seem exciting to people, but I don't care

I 100% agree with your second paragraph in particular.

I fear she may be Katrina 2.0, but I guess we'll see.
What bothers me aside from her being modernized is her lack of chemistry with Crane and her acting in that brief scene.
I cannot weather another Katrina or love quadrangle. I simply cannot.

I put myself in his shoes as a real person and not a character: I would have thought she was patronizing me and just saying whatever she thought would make me believe her. I wouldn't have taken her seriously at all. I was also bothered about them neglecting Jenny afterwards.

I think part of the problem is that people act like people in a relationship can't also be friends. Maybe because a lot of people aren't friends with someone before dating/marriage, but I think if the writers know what they're doing, it can be managed. But I'm fine with a Mulder/Scully relationship so long as they

I want Andy back as well! I like it with just the Witnesses and Jenny. But I'd definitely like to see Andy back in some capacity since he kept coming back anyway. It's possible.

I agree; I loved the parts with just Abbie, Crane, and Jenny. But I don't like Abbie's cut like I do Crane's. It washes out her looks a bit somehow, imo, the way it frames her face.

That's what I noticed too! He definitely checked her out after she brought them beers when they were in the bar. I was like, wtf?

I saw Crane checking Jenny out when she walked away from them when they were in the bar.

"I did not think Dr. Dre was famous enough…"