
I'd personally say cheated and betrayed.

Very much agree. I think some folks feel like they can't let go because they already sunk X-amount of years into a person (possibly an unwise investment from the jump), so maybe it'll eventually pay off. Meanwhile, they'll get their itch scratched elsewhere. There's every excuse in the book for not following the

My captain, my boo. 😩

They just don't understand us at all. Black folks are not only survivors but we are thrivers. They won't stop us from doing anything. I laugh at their efforts, though. It's about 400 years too late to stop us from succeeding. Meanwhile, their poisonous nature will eventually bury them.

They would cannibalize each other. Trust!

People say the same kind of thing regarding dating and children too, though. Talking as though it's weird if you aren't dating or don't have kids. Everyone would do well to do what they want, when they want, and stop judging the way other folks want to live. Not saying you are, btw, but your comment made me think of

I can too. Not everyone is on society's timetable. If people choose not to date and/or procreate, that doesn't mean anything is wrong with them. Relationships and children do not validate a person's existence.

I completely agree.

I do respect him. I'm devastated by his death, and I loved him. This doesn't take away from him. He would have understood.

Good grief, that's me as well. I even visted my uni's psychologist for some sessions and all I talked about was my family's problems. We never even got around to me. So much of their negativity and struggles were….are….poured into me to where there's no time or strength left for me. So I've had to pull away. Now I

It's hard listening to their songs now because I never paid attention to how many of them were about death/dying/suicide.

It's because it can be seen as more taboo in the black community, and easily dismissed or stigmatized. It's relevant. And this is still a black-focused site. For now.

The title reflects my own life regarding Chester/LP. I was devastated when I found out, and I cried a long time (and want to still whenever I remember). He must have still been in so much pain. I can imagine because I've been in a place of darkness more than once, and each time of pain LP's music was there, Chester's

Gandhi was racist against black folks anyway.

I know this comment is "old," but thank you SO much for this. I can't stand not being able to block.


I'm here to tell you that it's true. Whiteness is valued here to the point that the West's refuse can be desired as kings and queens.

Thanks for the warning. I had problems with Luke Cage, especially after my boo, Cottonmouth, so I'll skip this one entirely.

I have to eventually to know who I can even bother with or who I should ignore completely. Once that's established, I'm good. But I'm usually in observation mode with people at first. The subjects come up on their own and I quietly watch them discuss (unless they're talking to me).

This is so what Japanese people do in the workplace, especially with foreigners. Can't trust none of them. You have a basic conversation; they smile; then report you for some arbitrary vocal exclamation point that they thought they heard (basically, because they were uncomfortable you didn't agree with them or think