From Russia with Thirst

A car drove through a wall, and you’re blaming the wall. How about, “That is some really shitty driving.”

Clean entry and very little splash. 9/10.

holy crap, are your feet square?

Your super girthy, but extraordinarily short penis? 6 inch diameter meets 3 inch length?

Can confirm this. I used to give a lot of vaccinations and blood tests and it was the men 95% of the time who had to psych themselves up. I had a guy, early 20s, threaten to punch me because he was too scared to have a jab. And one time I had another young guy who read (out loud) the ‘fear is the mind killer’ part

I asked my boyfriend if he’d be willing to do that Vaselgel reversable vasectomy thing if it ever became available, and he was like “lol fuck no. I’m not getting a shot in my balls, are you nuts.”

He said this with a straight face to his feminist girlfriend who has been through two IUD insertions complete with cervical

Tattoo artists and deep-tissue massage therapists (and other professional pain dispensers) have, independently throughout various points in my life, said the same thing: “Women are so much better with pain than men are. Men are always the first to start crying. Especially Marines.” xD

While I do understand how pre-cancerous cells can be very scary (I’ve had a lot of moles removed and each time reminds how I’m probably going to get melanoma), this comment still made me LOL.

If you have already been sexually active... vaccine may provide some benefit to stimulate an immune response.

But your CR-V is not an SUV either. It is a crossover. Or in other words, a lifted wagon.

Look I consider myself pretty decent with money and I’ll play the lotto here and there. Do I play every day? No. Not even every week. But the 2-3 times a year when it’s like 300 million plus...sure I’ll get a ticket. I call it a dollar to daydream. I know I’m not going to win, but on the ride home from the convenience

soooo you basically didnt read anything about what he actually wants...thats cool

In 2016 over 182,000 people bought what they thought was a “crossover” which is really just a lifted Legacy wagon.

Nobody in this room saw a problem

“Looks good to us!”

Moisture is the essence of whiteness, and whiteness is the essence of purity

Holy cow, just think how many people involved in making this looked at it and didn’t see a problem. HOW??

Your reply reminded me of this.

Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of Americans who think London and Paris and even NYC are impossibly dangerous places to visit.