From Russia with Thirst

I don’t believe that there was any bystander effect here. The ‘live’ feeds I get are either from people I have in my friendslist or from persons/bands I follow.

It is safe to presume that the handful of people watching that feed either knew the violators, the victim or both. From this, I’m going to presume they

I mean, they certainly seem to know when I’ve visited literally any shopping website and then advertise for it... (I know how cookies work and all, but that shit is creepy)

When you watch Facebook live, it is ABSOLUTELY clear that it’s live

I imagine that you don’t hear about a lot of the ‘normie’ CEOs in the same way that you might hear about her. OTOH, I think most of the normies get filtered out at a lower level of the corporate ladder, because their ego allows them to make almost as much money for a lot less stress and attention...

Because they’re sociopaths—err, CEOs.

Rhetorical question, but: why are businesspeoplewho market themselves as edgy, hip people (and among those are women who brand themselves as feminists and use that as a marketing ploy) also fucking crazy? Grabbing your subordinate’s breast? The fuck is this shit?

Factory farming is one of the worst violators of workers rights and I really don’t think people acknowledge it enough. Most places higher undocumented workers so they don’t have the ability to sue since it is an incredibly dangerous job. And if those factory farms use antibiotics on their animals it also increases the

It’s highly skilled, poorly paid labor, I’m guessing. But also grueling and often dangerous work. Same with meat processing and other basic jobs. Now I wonder if anybody has done any research on the development of factory farming and factory meat processing, the decline in pay, the rise in cost of living, and the rise

In his post on Drivetribe re: not being dead, the picture shows a helment on the gas tank. Hope he was wearing it

It does sound suspiciously zombieish, doesn’t it.

“I’m not dead” sounds like something a dead person would say

In the states this is what we mean when we say American Cheese. This is actually called a “pasturized processed cheese food product” since it can’t legally be called cheese by our standards. I have tried to eliminate these from my life but dammit I just can’t! I know there are better, more flavorful cheeses out there!

I rarely say this, but this deserves so many more stars.

They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.

It makes no sense whatsoever. I’m blonde and green-eyed and have an accent and I have a feeling I wouldn’t have been refused service, even if I’m not a US citizen.

WTF!!!! Paying customers are paying customers. Welcome to hell hole america.

she has no way to support herself or her children even if she did leave.

It’s true that she’s brainwashed, but by that extent, so is he. I’m not minimizing that brainwashing: I grew up with a sadistic mother who abused me every moment of my day, took my money, didn’t allow me to drive, and once even called a college I got into to tell them I couldn’t attend because I had died...but I got

Well as long as he prays for forgiveness, Jesus is OK with it, so everyone else has to be, too.

They are expecting their fifth child. *barfing*