
Every guy you (a woman) asked SAID they would love it?

Gator's Grilled Cheese Emporium, named after this guy:

A kid who is just getting to know his own sexuality having an experience like that in front of everybody? The middle schoolers I've known, both boys and girls, have as their primary characteristic self-consciousness about EVERYTHING, from the way they look drinking water to the way their socks do or don't wrinkle

What if the kid is gay?

I love me some Carol Burnett. I even had a red-headed doll that changed expressions when you cranked her arm which I called Carol.

Every guy I asked (and I asked several) said they would love it.

Yes, because boys aren't socialized to think they should always want sex. THEY SO ALWAYS WANT IT. And if the point is moot maybe don't bring it up.

I have one, but if I told you I'd have to kill you. I'm saving it in case I ever lose this burner or I might even start up another one and have 2 at once. It's what I would have picked over this one, but I thought of it later.

So what if he did love it? It's still fucked up and should be a crime. If you give teenagers alcohol and cigarettes they'll love that, too, but it's still a crime.

Exactly! Like, my dummy ass friend once lit a blunt in class. We were in 8th grade. (Yes, he was suspended and had to do a year at alternative school). Middle schoolers are inherently dense. How in the fuck did she say "Yeah, alright"!?

This is so true. Thank you for putting into words what I see regularly as a high school teacher. Shit, some people. I think we all go into teaching in part because of our own experiences in school, but teaching in order to re-live glory days or hoping to finally gain popularity is a messed up reason to be there.

"Treat everyone else as a person, regardless of their gender, race or whatever. However, don't claim to 'not see race/gender/sexual orientation/etc,' else you're only furthering the problem by eliminating their history and identity. And, if you can't 'see' any of those in someone without treating them worse or like

I saw that. Same logic as those predatory 11 year old girls who just lead those poor innocent men on with their lusty sexy ways. Children be all sexed up these days dontcha know.

From the linked article:

If a middle schooler suggested thatI give someone lap dance, I'd probably I'd probably go to jail as well. For punching him in the throat.

She's that teacher that goes back into a school setting and falls back into her own school experience, needing validation from the kids, needing to be the cool teacher and bowing to student pressure that same way kids now to peer pressure. At every school there's that one teacher that forgets that just because they

This broad don't need to be anywhere near children. You are grown. You run things. WHAT THE FUCK, BRUH?!

Stories like this just piss me off. It is hard enough to get respect as a teacher without these horrible, horrible people doing shit like this. Seriously, I'm almost through my credential program and even I think that it should be harder to become a teacher. The standards need to be much higher to ensure that

I totally thought that's where the first letter was going. Was expecting BF to be posting all sorts of Libertarian stuff! Surprised it went the other way. Still, friends should be respectful—or at least discuss issues respectfully. I see no reason to get nasty on facebook.