
I can speak for that system, as I created it in 2011 (link below; I am the first author). The system was implemented as a proof-of-concept for research purposes, and has not yet been developed into a commercial product. The system does however suggest how we can address the core problem behind proposals like these:

I don't think I can star this enough. Gawker/Jezebel writers, for all their talk of privilege, cannot seem to grasp that what is a social movement in their group does not apply to the rest of the country.

It's amazing how often people just skip this. There was a sketchy guy at my med school who had been showing up high to class all the time and making an ass of himself in front of patients. Then some classmates googled him and saw his extensive arrest record, which included multiple counts of robbery and stealing Rx

check beyond calling the reference. Call the companies the references reportedly work for to make sure their bio checks out. And make sure the references aren't giving a good recommendation because they want the person to leave without having to go through the firing process. Too many spineless references out there.

This title should say "Idris Elba and His Girlfriend Had the Cutest Baby in History." We can say this with 100% confidence without having seen any pictures. Their baby probably makes every other baby look like a tiny pile of garbage.

This is also what the (self-reporting) atheists cited in the Daily Beast article look like: young, white and with enough education/money to waste time standing on a hill contemplating their middle-class* ennui. Take a step outside communities that are largely represented by these demographics and we'll find the

What, did you not create a fake AIM account just to talk to him?

Tell Us About the Juiciest Thing You Found Snooping On Social Media

Don't forget about the impact of the late 1970s-1980s culture wars on parents for the generation you're talking about, too. Jerry Falwell constantly blathering about the evils of feminism, reproductive freedom, homosexuality, etc. undoubtedly shaped the views of parents of kids born during this time which might also

Terrible and terrifying things have happened throughout history. Why should the Columbine massacre, even magnified by television, be more damaging to organized religion than something like the Black Death?

Last Christmas my sister and I were in our hometown. Our dad was sleeping over at his fiance's place for the night, so the two of us decided to invite some people over and get drunk. A lot of people showed up, really random old friends of friends started coming out of the woodwork. This dude that no one really likes,

Yeah, not proud of this, but when I first heard about Ashely Madison I thought it was horrible and set up a fake account with fake email so cheaters might waste time and money contacting me. However, I would go on it sometimes to just laugh at the messages with my friends (I was about 19 and in college). Anyway,

I remember having to sit my little brother down (he's 14 years younger than me, so he was about 10 or 11 and I was in my mid-20s) that he should really learn how to clear his search history because I was pretty sure that he, not my father or older brother, was responsible for about 30 google searches for "boobs"

A female coworker of mine, who is really sweet and kind (and even knowing this, I think she is the bee's knees), writes m/m erotica under a pseudonym that may or may not the name of her basset hound. So that's a thing.

My dad's Youtube channel. He makes tribute videos to 'fallen soldiers' (people he plays video games with online who have died or have stopped playing) and then adds really sappy music to it. It's the saddest/most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever seen.

a new guy started at work, and he was a very odd character. bipolar, divisive. so i poked around a tiny bit online, a kind of "who hired this guy?" search, starting with linkedin and moving out from there. within 3 link-clicks, i was on his pinterest, which was all shots of himself, or rather, of his butt. i closed my

Make that two pairs of scissors, I forgot how pairs work.

Lady Gay of House Homosexuelle. Your coat of arms is a pair of scissors over a rainbow. Your motto is...I'm sure you can supply your own pun on "Winter Is Coming."

Categorisation is not the enemy... As long as we are in control of our own categorisation.