
Such an uplifting statement, VERY supportive. I mean it!

Oh how I love Lindy's rants, she always puts a smile on my face!

I've seen Kate Upton get a lot of shit for not having 'perfect' breasts. Actually, I've seen her get a lot of shit in general. We might not appreciate the nuance, but it's true that she doesn't have the typical model body, and seeing her ridiculed for it really upsets me, despite the fact that I'm a size 18 fatty who

Comic Sans beat up my mother, stole the election for George W. Bush and headlined at Coachella. Comic Neue is a 911 truther who blockades vaccine clinics and secretly poisons bacon.

Umm, I hope you are not trying to say this is out of fashion:

" make the people of Missoula believe we are in the midst of a SEXUAL CRISIS to frighten people into buying papers."

I don't know if it is worth noting. The issue isn't that a culturally appropriating bindi wearer might hurt someone's feeling, the issue is that it displays an colonialist attitude that native cultures exist to be used as fashion accessories, that native cultures can be exploited for monetary gain that never benefits

Depends on why they're wearing it. Context, friends!

"But if we wanted to get really Hindu about it, so to speak, the bindi is merely a physical symbol of the concept of wisdom, spiritual development, the third eye, and the ajna chakra which addresses universal dualisms like potential/kinetic energy or subject/object (and that's just for starters)."

Sure it's neutral to you if you aren't a part of the culture you're sampling. It's not for members of the sampled culture, plain and simple. It's childish to take something like this & complain about not being allowed to wear whatever you want - respect other cultures enough to not fetishize certain things into

Damn straight. Can you imagine if this same patronizing tag line was used for grown men in trailers, "What happens when a good boy..." ? All I would picture is a male toddler fidgeting in a high chair with his mamma near by. Yet, 'good girl' is apparently still appropriate for grown women. Ugh, and don't even get me

This is probably the best way to understand cultural appropriation:

Well we've actually only got 2 roles for black people in this movie. Sassy straight talking bus driver or dopey street thugs

How I know she's a good girl: She's white and beautiful and doesn't do things like drink or have sex or act like a human.

I think you've just earned your degree in Freudian Theory.

I may have missed the point of this article entirely, but it sounds as if that type of man is just looking to be mothered. To basically do whatever he wants and be tolerated if not forgiven because that's what his mother would have done, and thus that is what all women should do.

"What mostly determines which version of us you will encounter during any given conversation is one crucial variable: you."

So I have to be understanding of men who do stupid shit, and then also take responsibility for them doing that stupid shit? Great.