Posted from my hotel

To embrace what you’re ridiculing, you have to also embrace it.”

Don’t worry, champ. People aren’t going to college because it’s becoming increasingly unaffordable. In fact, OnlyFans is probably responsible for paying a few people’s way through college.

The Godfather

This just in: Old white man spouts right wing talking points. Up next: Water found to be wet.

Garfuriosa isn’t exciting enough for you?

Meanwhile, me shouting to my husband: “fuck yeah, babe, Jenny Nicholson put out a four hour video this time!”

Probably worth mentioning - almost no one I know who loves longform video essays on youtube just watches them like a movie. I cooked dinner, did dishes, did laundry, swept, and played three runs of Slay the

I think the video serves as an important reminder to hesitate before doing the kind of logical nitpicking that often happens in these cases. I could certainly imagine people going, “Wait, you’re saying P Diddy managed to run down a hallway at a fancy hotel, grab a woman, and kick her twice, all while wearing a towel?

I used to think that, but I feel like applause takes on a different meaning when you’re watching a movie with a group of people who aren’t connected to what you’re watching. It’s not “we’re communicating our appreciation directly to artists”. It’s sharing enthusiasm for something that’s just happened. Like going to a

To borrow from Laurence Olivier: my dear boy, why don't you just try writing?

Holy fuck. Just because groping is really common where you’re from doesn’t mean it’s okay. It means where you’re from is fucked up.

Yeah, if anything, he’s been desperately trying to get back into show business. His personal sense of shame doesn’t even seem to exist, let alone be somehow preventing him from working.

Also, as a sidebar, he’s been accused of sexual abuse by upwards of 16 people. Those kinds of accusations are individually always

Now playing

I think Krusty sums up my response to this review best:

Right? Like, I’m not expecting a blow-by-blow of the story, but how about: some indication of what happens in it, an opinion on the quality of the acting, whether the pacing of the film is effective, maybe some discussion of the cinematography and music, a little on the editing if it’s noteworthy. All I got from this

Well this is clearly the most memorable review here in quite sometime.

WTF did I just read?

Was going to pile on but I’ve lately been trying to put out less negativity. Jason, my man, you need a better editor though for real. GODBLESS.

This meandering essay does not resemble a movie review.

I have never known less about a movie after reading a review than I have about this movie after reading this review.

It’s like everything and nothing man...

Based on the review, I can say for certain it’s a movie.