Posted from my hotel

Dude, you live in a world that is run by white men. All the presidents of this country have white dudes except one. Majority of both chambers of legislative branch are white dudes. So are governors and state legislators. Also judges, CEOs, billionaires and big political donors. They run the “woke” colleges and the

the satire is way too on the nose

If it was that easy to do, then they wouldn’t need to wait for an election win.

They are the opposition party that is what they are supposed to do.  

We (the olds) had Marion Stokes.

White women are silly.  And I don’t mean JK Rowling.

As a black person, I want to know what the fuck is a blaccent?  I know it something that black people came up with but it still is stupid.  

They should have stopped after T2. The waitress saves the world storyline is the best part. Take away that and all that is left is the same boring shooty shooty bang bang.

The start of his current villain arc. Mofo ran for president out of spite after that. Thanks Obama. 

Why not? Until they give you a reason not to like everybody else.

Probably not a good idea to piss off your boss before you have demonstrated your financial value to him. Really dude, an Elon Musk interview was your big move? 

Yet not even close to the silliest “pronouns” out there.

Oh please. She was cosplaying and wanted a reaction. Maybe it is the area of the world I live in but most lesbians I know don’t have mullets and look greasy.

Wrote a book.

More common than you think.

OK. Jamaican here. We love him and he had huge cultural impact but no he isn’t “the spiritual and cultural father of his nation.”

So lets give him the attention he craves and get him out of the grays.

I thought about that quote when I finished reading the article.

He look aight with his clothes off.

Haters gonnat hate.