Posted from my hotel

I suspect Marvel wanted some good press, and that’s how this was born.

That’s not what The Bear is about.

I don’t think anybody blamed Glover for being too busy with his various impressive projects, but if it’s being delayed because of the shooting schedule of whatever that animal show that McHale’s on? Come on.

I assume he was joking.  I’ve seen Nicole Kidman in line at a coffee shop and she had to wait like everyone else.

I naively assumed he was joking

I think I’ve just straight-up lost interest in The Boys; nothing is shocking anymore, the satire is way too on the nose, and I’m finding myself being completely disinterest in most of the characters

I liked Temple of Doom more than Last Crusade when I was a kid, but within a few years I started to like Last Crusade more, to the point that it’s actually the Indy movie I enjoy watching the most. (I’m not going to say it’s “better” than Raiders, mainly because saying one piece of art is “better” than another is

The Bible only mentions four colors. All the rest are the work of the devil 

who among us doesn’t immediately take a bath with their nanny?

I’m more and more relieved that this show is ending with season 5. Not that I dislike this show now. Far from it. Each episode of season 4 has at least a few memorable moments, and that cast are all crushing it, but I completely agree with the reviews here that this show feels like it’s spinning the wheels a lot, and

It baffles me that people keep framing it this way. Yes, Trump sucks. Yes, Biden is the better choice between the two of them. But why is he the choice?

That’s because there really is no reason for the Republicans to panic. Republican voters are in two camps right now: the ones who worship Trump as the second coming of Christ and would still vote for him if he did do that whole “shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue” thing, and the Republicans who hate Trump (like

Right, and that might not be all bad. Holofcener laments the loss of arthouse movies theaters, and (as someone who also loves such theaters) it’s a real loss. But people in Iowa aren’t sitting around wondering why they can’t find a theater anymore showing Enough Said — they never had one.  The fact that they can find

You’re out of your mind if you think anything other than total capitulation will ever be enough for these lunatics.

She’s talking about males. 97% of women in the US have been sexually assaulted, and it’s males who are the predators. So female-only spaces have been created, to make women safer. That has caused a conflict between female women and males who identify as women, both of whom are not safe from male predators, so,

So, males are a danger to transwomen, but not to female women? Male danger to women who aren’t trans is just fearmongering? So there’s no reason for female-only spaces, and women who need female-only spaces are just TERFs?  Really?

With his hateful, blatantly misogynistic language that erases and silences women who aren’t transwomen, David Tennant is proving JK Rowling’s point that non-trans males will use the pro-trans position as a front to get away with blatant misogyny, because identifying as pro-trans allows him to receive special

Haha yeah hilarious! She doesn't want male rapists houses in women's prisons, what a weirdo!

Because those were the stakes four years ago. We kicked Trump out of office, and it feels like very little has changed. Much of it is through little fault of Biden’s own. The Supreme Court has blocked popular policies like student loan relief and is gutting federal agencies. Congress is divided and doesn’t pass

I will never understand why writers still dare to write characters who are supposed to be geniuses. Because most writers AREN’T geniuses, said characters will either turn out to be dumb or reflect what said writers think geniuses are (usually ruder versions of themselves).