Posted from my hotel

Or pay for the personnel and infrastructure to build and operate a streaming service. The “I built and maintained my uncle’s wife muffin shop’s WordPress website, why does Facebook need more than one employee?” crowd think that shit is cheap. Licensing content was always going to be a better proposition, but

Dr. Laura. She made millions.

It is a lot easier to harass your flight attendant up front. Especially in long haul business class.

There are countless people who work in TV that won’t benefit from the writer’s strike but are affected financially by it.  They got bills to pay.

Well, it could have been a thing but once the bar was set so low that people became indifferent or actively hostile, we are left where we are. Not every bad thing can be the worst thing ever. If the outrage is constantly turned up to 11 then eventually it becomes easier to tune out.

Exactly. He was my favorite comedian, and I loved his show, but I can´t watch him now.  

I love Kingpin (Hawkeye aside) and am a huge Vincent D’Onofrio fan, but I am putting Homelander and Antony Starr at #1.

I am not racist; I just say and do racists things.

Exactly. It makes no sense for these companies to fudge the numbers to hide profits when they were selling streaming as the savior from declining cable revenue to shareholders. Bob Chapek got caught fudging the Disney+ numbers to make it look better than it was.

It’s not going to kill her career, but people are talking about her for the wrong reason, and she lives in world where people delight in cancelling folks for nonsense. I didn´t know who she was but it seems she was on the verge of being the next 20something star so being referred to as ¨smug¨ and “insufferable” isn´t

If there is no difference, then why the need to fight for trans women to compete with women. Compete with men, their competitions are usually open.

Somebody needs to buy her a publicist. Smug douchebag isn´t an endearing persona in her line of work. Even the male assholes pretend to be nice people until they get found out.  Not sure what her endgame is but it isn´t helping her cause. 

She is getting paid for her opinion. These women compete at the highest level, I think they can handle some criticism. How about we do not patronize the women, especially at time when they are fighting for pay equity.

Exactly. People who are heavily invested in a team tend to be the most critical. What she said was not out of the ordinary to warrant the reaction it is getting. As a fan, I had a similar reaction.   A team expected to win the tournament should not be celebrating barely qualifying for the next round.  

Mofos finally looked for a black woman and we get this nonsense.  

Exactly. Not only have they lost those revenue streams they now have the cost of developing and maintaining a streaming platform. Netflix wasn’t built in a day.  

You are giving them too much credit. Disney+ lost an ass-load of money despite some shady bookkeeping, ESPN has been struggling for years and Lucasfilm is a shit show and the golden goose that was Marvel is faltering. Turns out throwing $200+ million at any rando with a script that was written in 20 minutes isn’t the

When I was single Tinder is the only app I used. Slap a couple of pictures up with a tagline and you are good to go. All my opening messages were “Hi, how are you?”. Sometimes the “hi” got replaced with a “hello” or omitted all together but nothing more clever than that. Wasn’t interested in taking some 4 hour survey.

Seriously? You couldn’t proofread this short ass article?

We should all be so lucky to have a dad like Julius.