
I hear ya and everything, but as I said, it was a monstrosity as a continuation of "arrested development" because it took the things that made the show special that I noted above and tossed them out the window.

Respectfully and vehemently disagree. Season 4 was a mess. The magic of the show - rapid fire jokes every second and cast chemistry - was completely lost. I also hated how they made Michael a complete clueless buffoon, instead of a smart guy who couldn't quite protect himself from internalizing some of his families

Yea these are good points. I get all that stuff about Naz, but again, to me it just falls flat. We aren't really presented with any type of reckoning for Naz, where he struggles with sacrificing his morals and his character to survive in prison. He just does it with a stone face without much reflection. As a

See, the Walter White descent rings so much truer and makes so much more sense than Naz's. Breaking Bad was careful and meticulous in developing Walter White's overblown sense of pride, feelings of being boxed in, overlooked, and stepped on, and of course his diagnosis. The reason the show is losing me is because it

You basically echoed everything I tried to say in my post below. This show feels liek all bark and no bite: the character development is minimal so its hard to feel for anyone or be intrigued by anyone, the plotting is nonsensical, the mystery is mildly compelling at best and a paper tiger arbitrary mess at worst, the

Am I the only person who just doesn't quite get this show? To me, it feels like its all bark but no bite. I get what it's going for - an dark, gritty crime drama that muses on issues with the American justice system, prejudice, etc. - but IMHO, it just misses the mark. It does a good job of creating a feel and

This comment basically mirrors AV Club's stance on blink 182: (1) mock blink 182, (2) endlessly talk about blink 182.

Dogma is awesome, I don't care what anyone says…

A really cool "aha" moment with that album was when I realized the first half had a electronic, dance music theme to it, then the second half has a vaudevillian theme to it. The "intermission" makes the transition pretty obvious, but I still think its subtle and brilliant.


Dumbest internet thing in a while. People are just excited to be able to inject their opinion into a debate and be supported and challenged at the same time. The scientific explanation has been posted a few times. So we know WHY people see the two different color schemes, so why all the interest?

I think this season has been great, but agree with you on a few points. I do think in 5 and 6 the characters started becoming caricatures. My main gripe is Andy, and you put it beautifully. He is just an overgrown child now, without any charm or unpredictability. Tom grew tiresome and one-dimensional as well, but

2, 3 and 4 I love, and yea the show dipped in quality at times, but it has been consistently enjoyable its whole run. A rarity for a 7 season show.

Great essay. My biggest issues with parks have been threefold: (1) the general stasis of the characters, (2) the lack of TRUE conflict between the core of the show, and (3) turning andy into a big-dumb-oaf caricature as opposed to just a big dumb oaf. The Andy thing is more of a personal gripe, and was mostly redeemed

Nah. He dumped on conservatives because, at least in his view, they are more consistently extreme, unwavering and irrational with their ideology (they are the party of climate change denial after all). When liberals acted that way, they would be called out as well (he many times railed against occupy wall street,

Untrue, I watch the show nightly and he consistently criticizes both sides of the aisle. His personal politics are clearly leftist, but when it comes to pointing out the shortcomings of American politics/media/economics/society he's not loyal or picky. Libertarian certainly isn't the way to describe it either.

Beyond sad Jon is leaving. I have been watching Daily show almost every night for the past 6 years or so, and I can say without question that his is the voice I trust most to guide me through the shitstorm. I know people say he's an extreme liberal leftist, but to a diligent viewer he is anything but, and that's what

Huh? Are you referring to Travis Barker, one of the most talented drummers and least vapid musicians around?

I love blink, but thumbs up for Tattoos McGillicuddy. I laughed

I am a blink apologist for sure, but I think sometimes people forget about their untitled record, the one with the smiley face. Even now as a (pseudo)adult, that one still holds up for me as a great record. For people my age - i'm 26 now - while enema was an easily accessible introduction to guitar-driven rock music,