
As someone who can probably be described as one of those milquetoast liberal white dudes, I think what you're decrying is recognizing that certain situations can have nuance, and everything isn't always black and white. Nuance seems to be lost on our generation. Not defending this one one way or the other, because its

Ha, well, if there is a mystery and you end up taking in some knowledge, is it really mindless?

Cmon, that is absolutely not what I am saying. Of course if a woman is sexually aggressive in the past it does not equal consent. You're blowing up what I am saying. There are competing accounts of what happened right now. From here at this keyboard, I am assessing which is more believable. Corinne does not dispute

No worries, it happens. They are out there though. Again, this isn't a hill I want to die on, let's just see what happens.

It's looking like that's not the case based on additional reports that are coming out. Look, she can bring a civil action and that tape will come to light in court. I severely severely doubt that ABC, owned by Disney, is going to put their reputation on the line if there is video out there of a passed out woman being

Thanks Xanderpuss, the arbiter of what mindless activities are acceptable to engage in.

I didn't say it makes her less believable. I am saying past behavior indicates future behavior, and it is undisputed that she came on to him, dragged him to the pool, took her top off, etc. I don't even think Corinne has disputed that. If she indeed passed out in the middle of the act, that's a crime and let's pursue

Of course. I am just saying the scenario described by Demario is completely plausible, if not likely. I've seen it happen on the show many times before.

I'm responding to you in a couple of different places, but as more stories and accounts come out its not looking like that is what happened.

I think you misread. I never said it would be okay if the victim was a dude.

I'm not trolling. I think I responded to you below too. But yea that TMZ article is kind of my point, and that's what I have been trying to illustrate. If she did indeed come on to him, and she was indeed lucid and able to give consent, then I don't see a problem. If she passed out midway through, of course that's

But there is also a pretty detailed account of what happened from the "other side" too. We do know that the producer who complained were not present and didn't see the tape or the incident. Look, this isn't a hill I plan to die on, because I completely understand the importance of pushing back from "eh she's probably

I hear you. While I agree its irrelevant to her credibility, past behavior is an indicator of future behavior. Point is, I think its very plausible that she instigated the exchange, and third parties including the studio and others have attested to her being completely lucid.

Because its entertaining and sometimes, after a shit day inevitably filled with horribly depressing news about the chaotic state of the world, it's cathartic to turn your mind off and watch something stupid and easy. Get off your high horse.

Look, I completely understand that past conduct does not and should not be used as a factor for judging consent in a particular instance, and that consent can be withdrawn at any time. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, as a fan of the show, Corinne has constantly and consistently been sexually aggressive. It is not just

Sincere question for those of you with a problem with the show coming back: If the tape did indeed show that the female contestant was (1) completely lucid, and (2) the aggressor, would you still have a problem with it? I am just confused about the insistence of some that "waiting for the facts" in these instances is

That's fair. It's not a perfect example for the discussion at hand. I just thought it was an interesting take on Frequent Frowns point, which I read to be "let's not present public figures as a list of all the ways they have screwed up." With the Blackhawks example, I engaged bloggers who had immediately called this

I think its a fair point. The first paragraph of the review opined how, no matter what pop stars do, they will be criticized. Of course there are faux pas that deserve to be called out for their ignorance, but immediately writing off a person for a mistake or a misunderstand or a shallow view of an issue, i believe

I know I'm late to the party here but maybe someone will see this. So this is coming from someone who absolutely loves the show, is entertained every week, and loves picking apart its weighty themes and references: it is starting to lose me. Take this episode for instance. It was an entertaining blast. It was surreal,

So this is coming from someone who absolutely loves the show, is entertained every week, and loves picking apart its weighty themes and references: it is starting to lose me. Take the last episode for instance - the International Assassin Part II. It was an entertaining blast. It was surreal, heavy, emotional, funny,