
Haha shit you're right. *Internet as we know it today.

Wow, thanks Phil for overanalyzing a great, consistently funny show with entertaining characters to oblivion. If the internet had existed when arrested development had its initial run, I bet av club would do the same nit-picking.

WHAT! People are ready to burn me at the stake trying to defend comments like these, and this gets 21 up-votes. Hypocrites!

Of course not of course not. People can get offended by whatever they want. I'm not saying that this HIMYM episode should not have been offensive to anyone, I'm just saying that those people are not then automatically right, just like I'm not automatically right. But the problem is these offended few wield the power,

Thanks for the thoughtful, measured response. You bring up some good points. I just think - and I'm only talking about the modernized parts of the world - that in order to move forward with this idea of a post-racial utopia, it is counterproductive to think that forcing people into tip-toing around our differences

My point is that outrage over a unambiguous attempt at humor is selective, shortsighted, and counterproductive to creating a culture where people do not hate you because of something you can't help. And I tried to qualify this point by explaining what I mean by "clear attempts at humor" and distinguishing that from

See! now that satirical, comedic and sarcastic retort was funny! no joke. But could you imagine if instead of laughing, I got offended that you would use such terrible jokes to make a point? Also, again try to focus on my difference between hate-speech and humor. So if your hypothetical comedy show was meant to

That's extremely unfortunate that that happened, and an interesting Wikipedia page read. But I don't think it affects my argument. Something intended as humor was misappropriated into hate speech at a very fragile time in human history. This is 2014, and what I'm saying is outrage over a fu-man-chu mustache on a dumb

This was actually exactly the opposite of what I was trying to get across: the ability to distinguish between humor and hate-speech. I would never defend the swastikas and hateful use of the n-word because it has no intention other than to hurt and to promote animosity against a particular group. What I'm saying is

If it was meant for comedy, and I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but yet. Look at Mort Goldman on family guy. I'm jewish and I would never get offended by that. It's an extremely stereotypical portrayal of jews. AND ITS A JOKE. A joke. Getting offended by a joke is like yelling at an infant.

Wasn't trying to antagonize. Just trying to have a discussion. You say "racism is also stupid fucking bullshit like this," and I'm challenging that assumption. Why is it racist to say that we should embrace our differences instead of making them taboo? Even the unflattering, marginal, untrue perceptions. So with this

To expand on what I said below, to me any outrage over this episode is ridiculous. People are allowed to be offended if they so choose, but to express the level of outrage where execs feel the need to apologize is silly to me. I think people need to distinguish between attempts at humor and hate-mongering. If

You're allowed to be offended whenever you want, just tone it down with the outrage. It takes entertainment hostage. If something is blatantly promoting hatred to a group of people and needs to change for the safety of society, then by all means up the outrage. But if something is clearly in a humorous context, then